The Project focuses on education on sustainable development. The aim of the project is to promote a sustainable society in Latvia, increasing everybody's competences for sustainable development, thus enhancing public participation in environmental decision-making. To achieve this the project focuses on coordination of environmental education projects, organizing continuous education for teachers and school managers, preparation of teaching aids on environmental education, organizing of summer camps, improving website making it available to people with learning disabilities and preparing the English version of the website in order to improve cooperation with foreign partners, by participation in the environmental advisory boards and working groups of the state and local government organizations, providing regular advice to parents, school managers and teachers. Target group: Latvian citizens,especially students,teachers,school leaders,non-formal education institutions,parents.
Summary of project results
Since 1993 Children‘s Environmental School (CES) has been involved in the implementation of environmental educational projects, and it has gained a significant experience in the field. But there was still lack of environmental literacy and understanding amongst general public in Latvia about environmental issues. There wasn’t communication with general public, website of CES wasn’t attractive, and it contained information mainly for teachers, not understandable to persons with learning disabilities and no English version of website. CES wasn’t active in social networks. It was necessary to promote a sustainable society in Latvia, increasing everybody's competences for sustainable development, thereby enhancing public participation in environmental decision-making. In project were involved 23 NGOs, 41 NGO members, 19 NGO employees, 24 volunteers, 300 residents. It has provided a significant contribution to achieving the goal: 9 environmental education projects have been launched and implemented; communication with society has been advanced by significant improvements of the website and establishing profiles in major social networks thus widening capacity to rise society’s awareness of environmental and sustainable development’s issues; 56 teachers were trained; methodological materials have been promoted; the volunteer team of 9 people went to the study visit to UK with support of Erasmus+ program and brought back ideas for attractive outdoor activities; the camp program was renovated, 1 new camp leader trained, 2 environmental education camps and 1 learning expedition organized; CES participated in the decision making regarding to environmental and sustainable development issues by active work in the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund’s Advisory Council and Environmental Education Experts Council of the National Centre for Education as well as in the work group of the XI Youth Song and Dance Festival; the cooperation with 4 Latvian NGOs and 25 different non-governmental organizations abroad as well as cooperation with two local municipalities in Latvia and UK has been strengthened; 5 people became members of the CES and 24 volunteers were involved. The goals set for the Project were fulfilled and Experience and new ideas gained during this project lays foundation for organization future work.
Summary of bilateral results