Climate change adaptation policy and measures are incorporated into all sectoral policies in Latvia, but there is a lack of national adaptation system. The objective of the project is to prepare a proposal for a National Adaptation Strategy, including identification of scientific data, and measures for adapting to changing climate, impact and cost evaluation. The main project outcome is the development of a climate change and impact scenario for 2010 – 2100 as well as the current and potential scientific data definition for the adaptation monitoring system. In addition, there are plans to carry out integrated climate change mitigation and adaptation action research and impact studies of the necessary adaptation measures in the most sensitive sectors. Project activities includes flood risk and impact modelling and development and upgrade of flood risk information systems, research for maritime spatial planning, thematic reports on risk and vulnerability assessment and adaptation measures, development of policy proposal for national adaptation strategy and climate change web portal. The main target groups of the project are the Ministries and other state institutions, scientific foundations, educational institutions, local governments. The target group is largely associated with the MEPRD adaptation working group members representing a wide range of public institutions, as well as other social partners. The project donor partner - the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection - will participate in the national climate change adaptation strategy development.
Summary of project results
Project aim was to prepare a proposal for National Adaptation Strategy. The main target groups of the project were ministries and other state institutions, scientific foundations, educational institutions, local governments. The target group was largely associated with MEPRD-made adaptation working group members representing a wide range of public institutions, as well as other social partners. The main activities were: Development of climate change and impact scenario for 2050 – 2100 and the current and potential scientific data definition for the adaptation monitoring system: (Climate change and impact scenario until year 2100; Development of adaptation monitoring system indicator database). Integrated climate change mitigation and adaptation action research and the impact studies and the necessary adaptation measures is the most sensitive sectors: (Flood risk maps for the Gauja, Lielupe and Venta river basins; Research for maritime spatial planning; Thematic reports on risk and vulnerability assessment and adaptation measures in the following fields: (Building and infrastructure planning; Agriculture and forestry; Civil protection and emergency planning; Landscape planning and tourism; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Health and wellbeing). Policy proposal for National Adaptation Strategy; National climate change and adaptation web-platform. During the Project all above mentioned planned results were achieved, including main project outcomes: developed climate change and impact scenario for 2050 – 2100; developed 13 reports on indicators, risks and adaptation measures.
Summary of bilateral results
Experience exchange event (October 6-7, 2015) “Providing Sea and coastal connection, climate change risks and adaption strategy determination” was organized in Oslo, Norway. Event was organized by MoEPRD in cooperation with Norwegian Environment Agency. Aim of the Experience Exchange event was knowledge transfer from Norwegian Environment Agency to Latvian experts, exchanging knowledge on sea spatial planning and implimentation mechanisms of spatial plans. Eight experts from Latvia participated in the event, representing MoEPRD, Baltic Envornmetal Forum, Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, and seven Norwegian experts from Environment Agency and Norwegian Climate and Environmet Ministry. Experts exchanged knowledge and experience on development and implementation of integrated sea management plan in Norway, inter-institution cooperation between ministries and agencies, legal framework and providing sea-coast inter-linkage. Norwegian experts were introduced to Latvian sea spatial planning system, its development and implementation stages, related legislation, Sea spatial plan development process, coast spatial development scenarios and ecosystem approach in developing these plans. Experience exchange event (October 16-17,2016) was organized in Oslo, Norway. Event was organized by MoEPRD in cooperation with Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB). Adaptation focuses on climate change risks reduction and potential benefits use. The creating of adaptation policy is necessary to ensure a systematic climate change risk-benefit assessment and management. For the first time this kind of adaptation policy document is being developed in Latvia. Therefore, it is important of gaining knowledge and taking over the experience of other countries in the development of such a document. The aim of event was to share knowledge and exchange of views between Latvian and Norwegian experts on climate change risks management and practical solutions for reducing them. Norwegian experts shared their experience and knowledge on adaptation policies and measures system in specific and important areas such as construction, transport, infrastructure and water resource management. Was mentioned examples of risks and vulnerabilities in the scientific and practical aspects of the national and local levels and linked it to research, information and solutions.