In response to ongoing changes in social care and health-care, being aware of the challenges faced by smaller cities, the College initiates a project aimed at institutions, ʼ providing a range of social care and health care services, capacity building and good practice takeover. Improving quality of services operating in these areas, as well as innovative organizational models, will directly contribute to sustainable national and regional development, and more efficient social and economic problem solving. The added value of the project is that by opening opportunities for staff competence development it will lead to institutions improvement, efficient management of provided service quality. In the project a lot of attention is given for working conditions and work-friendly environment improvement. In this way it helps to ensure the effectiveness of social welfare and health care institutions operation, better provided services availability for the public (especially marginalized groups). New knowledge, skills and competences will generate the added value of the project that municipalities, social care, health care professionals will acquire during training and study visits. Study visits, training will allow to adapt best Norwegian experience, know-how and practise, to improve the service quality management, enhance social welfare, health care, public administration efficiency, accountability to the public.
Summary of project results
Responding to ongoing changes in social care, health care system, knowing the challenges of smaller cities, the project “The Kingdom’s of Norway advanced experience of social welfare and health care transfer to Lithuania in order to improve Lithuania’s public welfare” aimed at social care, health care services providing institutions capacity building and best practice takeover was initiated. The project has selected social care and health care areas on purpose. Especially in those areas Norway has accumulated rich experience, which could be adapted and transfered to Lithuania. During the project implementation trainings for target group members, focusing on services quality improvement, effective human resource management were organized. A lot of attention in the project activities were paid to personal development, self-help mechanisms creation. Persons, working in the social sphere constantly face various challenges that are not so easy to overcome individually. New knowledge, skills and competences generate the added value of the project that municipalities, social care, health care professionals had acquired during training and study visits.
Summary of bilateral results
Project partners from Norway were involved in the project as a key partners for best practice transfer from Norway to Lithuania. Project partners were responsible for the organization of study visits in Steinkejr and Bergen municipalities. Also assistance and providing experts for training execution, development and implementation of MOOC courses, participation in strategic session, project dissemination activities. The partnership between Lithuanian and Norwegian institutions allowed to transferred best practice and know-how in the field of social welfare, health care, administrative and public service institutions. Moreover cooperation between local, regional partners in Lithuania and Norway was strengthened and this ensured better quality of the project results.