Strengthening of the Lithuanian and Norwegian Police cooperation and capacities to fight against Domestic and Gender-based Violence

Project facts

Project promoter:
Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 1,082,858
The project is carried out in:


The main goal of the project is to improve the professional qualification of the officers who handle cases of domestic violence most frequently, to provide them with the theoretical knowledge, to improve their skills related to efficient responding and making proper decisions. The police emphasized the need to improve the protection of the victims of violence, to create the sense of security and prevent crimes against persons. The project aims at purchasing and implementing the alarm system, providing the potential victims with the mobile devices (working like phones and GPS system). By implementing the alarm system, together with the other proposed activities, there will be an improved protection of the victims.

Summary of project results

In Lithuania there was a need to improve the protection of the victims of violence, to create the sense of security and prevent crimes against person. In order to achieve this goal the alarm system, providing the potential victims with the mobile devices (working like phones and GPS system) was created. The police officers were trained how to react to crimes of Domestic and Gender-based Violence. The main goal of the project was to improve the professional qualification of the officers who handle the cases of domestic violence most frequently, to provide them with the theoretical knowledge, to form their skills related to efficient responding and making proper decisions. During the implementation of the project, Norwegian experts of this field shared their experience and good practice. The instructors (from the central and regional police institutions), who were assigned to be liable for this activity and to participate in the trainings for the police officers were trained.

Summary of bilateral results

Norwegian experts working crimes of Domestic and Gender-based Violence during all project shared their experience and good practice. The Norwegian knowledge and know how was transferred to Lithuanian police by organization of trainings for instructors (from the central and regional police institutions), who were assigned to be liable for this activity and to participate in the trainings for the police officers.