In 2014 fifty community officers began working with the Lithuanian police. Until October 2014 their number has grown up to a hundred, and has a tendency to grow further. The aim of these officers is to involve as many members of the public as possible into public order and environmental safety promotion activities. However, in Lithuania the required competencies of these officers are not only undefined and unspecified, but there is also a lack of methodological material as well as professionals who could adequately prepare qualified community officers. This project aims to mirror and adapt in Lithuania good Norwegian practices for close cooperation between the police and the community. The Project will include preparation of a "Good Practice Guide on Public Safety Adult Education" (hereinafter referred to as "the Guide"). The Guide is a methodological tool, which will be the basis for the formation of the community officer institution, determining the competencies required and programming their acquisition process. It will serve for the purification of main principles and methods of these officers' activity. During the Project there will be organized trainings based on good Norwegian experience for community officers and adult public safety education system workers. This will ensure a better action quality of community officers, what should encourage involvement of public into the development of public safety. These processes would decrease the level of crime and increase public confidence in the police. Target groups of the Project: community officers and adult public safety education system workers. The projects goal is to improve public safety education of adults and andragogues. The projects objectives are two: (1) Preparation of recommendations for the development of public safety adult education model, based on the experience of Norway and (2) methodical preparation of andragogues to perform public safety adult education.
Summary of project results
In 2014 fifty community officers began working in Lithuanian police. Since then their number has grown up to a hundred, and has a tendency to grow further. The aim of these officers is to involve as many members of the public as possible into public order and environmental safety promotion activities. However, in Lithuania the required competencies of these officers are not only undefined and unspecified, but there is also a lack of methodological material as well as professionals who could adequately prepare qualified community officers. This project aimed to take over and adapt in Lithuania good Norwegian practices for close cooperation between the police and the community. The Project included preparation of a "Good Practice Guide on Public Safety Adult Education" (hereinafter referred to as "the Guide"). The Guide is a methodological tool, which are the basis for the formation of the community officer institution, determining the competencies required and programming their acquisition process. It serves for the purification of main principles and methods of these officers' activity. During the Project there were organized trainings based on good Norwegian experience for community officers and adult public safety education system workers. This ensured a better action quality of community officers, what encouraged involvement of public into the development of public safety. These processes would decrease the level of crime and increase public confidence in the police. Target groups of the Project: community officers and adult public safety education system workers. The projects goal was to improve public safety education of adults and andragogues. The projects outputs: (1) Prepared recommendations for the development of public safety education model for adults, based on the experience of Norway and (2) methodical preparation of andragogues to perform public safety education for adults.
Summary of bilateral results
The Norwegian project partner Stintillo Karine Skinner prepared a program for the study visit to Norway, according to which good Norwegian practices were reflected upon; and draw up and conducted a 3-day training in Lithuania.