Professional development of people who work in adult learning have a lot of impact on the quality of such programs. There is not enough attention for adult education staff, initial training content and processes. To increase participation it is necessary to improve the quality of adult education. Promotion of effective teaching tools include the availability of learning sites, open and distance learning services for those in remote areas, information and guidance, tailored programs and flexible teaching arrangements. Therefore, in order to contribute to the main objective of the program it was decided to promote adult learning, lifelong learning, upgrading and improving adult education staff competencies. In order to implement the project within the purpose of the project it is planned to develop the teaching and managerial staff competencies adult learning, improve cooperation and the exchange of knowledge in the field of adult education between educators and education provider, enhancing their skills and ensure the dissemination of publicity. The main activities and results are the following: (1) Two lecturing visits (2 pedagogues; 2 papers) (2) One international conference (2 joint articles published in electronic environment) (3) One traineeship to Norway (5 administrative staff; 2 cooperation agreements) (4) One good practice guidelines (all partners will prepare together)
Summary of project results
The Project was needed to promote adult learning, lifelong learning as well as upgrade and improve competencies of adult education staff. In the course of Project implementation pedagogical and managerial staff (7 persons) from the institutions of Project Promoter and Project Partner (College of Marijampolė) and 2 students attended an international conference in Norway which focused on life-long learning and game based learning. Also 5 administrative staff members from Lithuania participated in a traineeship in the institution of Norwegian partner (Opus Hadsel) and 2 teaching staff members presented two topics on adult learning at this institution. The results of the Project also included one e-publication on application of digital based methods in the education process. However, the other planned project results (publishing of the 2nd e-publication and preparation of good practice guidelines) have not been achieved, since during investigation of irregularity it was established that e-publication and the guidelines did not correspond to the requirements of technical specification of procurement documents (the prepared guidelines also did not correspond to the aim of the Project).
Summary of bilateral results
The Project contributed to the strengthening of bilateral relations through cooperation between institutions from Lithuania and the partners from Norway and Iceland. The Norwegian project partner Opus Hadsel hosted the traineeship’s participants and lectors from Lithuania, presented activities and policies of its organization and shared best practice on organisation of adult learning in Norway. Since Project partner was acting in remote area, the information received was particularly useful for organising adult learning in the regions. Project partner from Iceland (ECP International) participated in Project's activities in a distance (via skype): provided consultations, shared best practice on development of competencies of administrative staff, discussed application of the latest educational methods in Lithuania.