The project aims to upgrade and fully furnish one open youth center in Radviliskis and set up two open youth centers in Seduva and Radviliskis. In 2012 a study of Radviliskis district youth problematic was performed, and this gave impetus to building the Radviliskis center. However, with the available financial resources, it is not possible to solve all the problems identified during the investigation. This project and the complete repair of three open youth centers would achieve the objective of the program and fundamentally change the situation of youth of Radviliskis district. The project will result in three fully furnished open youth centers with the necessary equipment and operational sets of measures ready for high quality work with youth. The list of measures that the project plans to acquire is made according to the conclusions of youth and professionals working with young people. Open youth centers seek to develop innovative activities that give young people moral, ethical and other features that will help integrate them into society. The partner, Landsforeningen Ungdom & Fritid, will delegate staff to cooperate and consult during project implementation.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project “Development and Modernization of Open Youth Center in Radviliskis Municipality” was to upgrade and fully modernize one open youth center in Radviliškis and set up two new open youth centers in Šeduva and Radviliškis. The project resulted in a fully furnished 3 open youth centers which now have the necessary equipment and operational sets of measures ready for quality work with youth. Durring the implementation of the project Open Youth Centre of Radviliškis was renovated and 2 new branch open youth centers in Radviliškis and Šeduva with all necessary infrastructure and equipment were established. Project partners participated in the educational meeting with the open youth centers emploees and voluntiers to share their experience in the field of open work with youth, as well other different actvities and inter-institutional co-operation meetings were organized. All purchased facilities, equipment and activity tools are and will be used for continuing activities of Open Youth Centers and will grant long term possibility for children and young people purposefully and safely spend their leisure time.
Summary of bilateral results
Project was implemented with partner from donor states – Norway. Durring the project implementation project partners Landsforeningen Ungdom & Fritid representatives came to share their experience in the field of open work with youth. This ensured quality of the Project and also improved knowledge and understanding between partners.