According to the LSSU research (2012), more than 60% of school students have never been involved in any youth organization. It is presumed that passive attitude of school students towards engagement into various social activities and volunteering may result in lack of social responsibility, less tolerance and awareness of sociocultural diversity. Project is aimed at tackling youth passiveness that induces other problems such as discrimination and social exclusion. LSSU shall implement trainings and interactive seminars for school students on human rights, civic engagement and active citizenship. Awareness of discrimination, xenophobia and social exclusion issues shall also be raised. LSSU also intends to improve the cooperation between school administrations and municipalities what will allow strengthening the work of its subdivisions (student councils‘ information centres/regional school student councils) and its members. It is expected that these efforts shall become the prerequisites for greater social responsibility and civic engagement of the young generation. The arget groups are school students, teachers and NGOs.
Summary of project results
Project promoter has not achieved planned project results. Only about 30% or project activities could be considered as implemented and properly reported. To this end project results cannot be considered achieved, not even partially. Project psysical completion date entered at point 11. refers to the date of project suspension by FO. Date of approval by PO refers to date of decision of FO to terminate the project implementation agreement.
Summary of bilateral results