I am here

Project facts

Project promoter:
NGO Studio of Social Innovations
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 24,741
The project is carried out in:


Sociological research has revealed the community segregation problem in regards to people with mental disabilities and their relatives. The key finding was that the more tension in communication with the mentioned group is evident within the community the more introvert and antisocial these people become. We aim at enabling vulnerable groups to take part in social life more actively by creating favorable conditions in community through 3 forms of communication – seeing, hearing, speaking. I SEE, HEAR AND SPEAK – essential aspects of project activities, which will help showing vulnerable groups that they are not only the part of community, but may also take an active participation. Binding link of the project – LIBRARY. The concept of library is perceptible in all links of the project activities – from social photography cycle to creation of virtual methodological library for vulnerable groups. Tangible results of the project include a 10% increase in number of members of the NGOs participating in the project, enhanced administrative and expert capacity NGO to render services and better access to complex information to vulnerable groups in Klaipėda region.

Summary of project results

Analysis of segregation phenomenon of persons with mental disorders and their families suggest that specific attention should be paid to attitudes of the communities towards such persons. Social research revealed direct links between attitudes within the communities and activeness of the vulnerable groups – the higher the tension and uncertainty between community members and persons with mental disabilities, the more isolated and excluded are the vulnerable groups. Project „I AM HERE“ solves community segregation problems of people with mental affection/illnesses and their relatives. The implemented project helped the community to know its members through three fundamental forms of presentation of information (seeing, hearing, speaking). I SEE, HEAR AND SPEAK – essential aspects of project activities, that helped showing the vulnerable groups as not only a part of community, but also as an active participants of it. Binding link of the project – LIBRARY. The concept of library was perceptible in all links of the project activities – starting from social photography cycle and finishing with creation of virtual informational-methodical library for vulnerable groups. Project aimed at enabling vulnerable groups to take part in social life more actively by creating favourable conditions in community. Project tasks implemented: a) awareness of community members in regards to vulnerable groups increased; b) complex information on social services and inclusion opportunities provided to vulnerable groups in Klaipėda region; c) volume of psychosocial services to vulnerable groups increased; d) administrative skills of NGO staff participating in the project enhanced. Key achievement indicators: a) 10% increase of members in organizations participating in the project; b) persons directly involved in the project – social workers of NGOs, volunteers, representatives of state sector contribute to enhancement of social activeness of project beneficiaries (individuals with mental affection/illnesses and their relatives) through the activities for increasing consciousness of community members. c) Representatives of vulnerable groups strengthened inner motivation and restored emotional stability. Analysis of results suggest that project has had a complex impact on the situation of persons with mental disorders – from changes in the environment of vulnerable groups and fostering of NGO sector to sensitization and increase of awareness of local communities.

Summary of bilateral results