Volunteering program “Friends’ calendar”

Project facts

Project promoter:
Oncohematological patients’ association 'Blood'
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
People with cancer
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 89,729
The project is carried out in:


As a matter of fact cancer patients experience emotional, social and daily life difficulties and there are little ways of solving these problems during or after the cancer treatment in Lithuania. This situation is a result of lack of psychosocial support for cancer patients, and one the efficient ways to tackle the issue is to encourage volunteering. A specifically trained volunteer is capable of providing substantial psychosocial support to cancer patients in need across the country. Our objective is to create active community of volunteers that will help solving psychosocial problems of cancer patients and reduce cancer stigma through communication with them. New specialized volunteering program will be created through cooperation with Norwegian Cancer society, which has more than 20 000 volunteers. As a result of the implementation of that program 70 volunteers will be trained and supplied with practice in VUL Santariskiu Clinics Hematology Oncology and Transfusiology Center and in NGO Oncopsychology and Communication Center. The main beneficiaries are cancer patients and their relatives, medical staff and students.

Summary of project results

Cancer patients experience emotional, social, daily life difficulties. Possibilities to solve these problems during treatment or after treatment are limited in Lithuania: there is lack of professional psychosocial staff in cancer care field, so its important to encourage volunteering. Objective of the project was to create active community of volunteers, which will help solving psychosocial problems of cancer patients as well as reducing cancer stigma through communication with cancer patients. New specialized volunteering program was created through cooperation with Norwegian Cancer society, which has more than 20 000 volunteers. 90 volunteers were trained during practical and theoretical lectures, seminars. After training volunteers provided informational, practical help and emotional support for cancer patients and their relatives in Vilnius University Hospital Santariskes Clinics Hematology Oncology and Transfusiology Centre. To ensure quality of volunteering services volunteers got individual and group supervisions. Newly created volunteering system and experience was presented in media, shared with others NGO. The main beneficiaries of the project were cancer patients, their relatives. Medical staff, students, general public also benefited from the Project and their activities.

Summary of bilateral results