Project facts

Project promoter:
Kaunas Women Employment Information Centre
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 145,924
The project is carried out in:


There is a lack of strong and publicly visible NGOs engaging in professional advocacy for and promotion of women’s rights in Lithuania. In addition to that, men and women representation in politics as well as top-level management of institutions and businesses is distributed unequally. This situation impairs the full implementation of women’s rights and hinder promotion of equality ideas throughout the country. Project objective is gender equality mechanism improved through strengthened advocacy skills of LWL members. The key achievements of the project shall be an increased number of members of LWL (+22), advocacy and civic control knowledge trainings provided for 120 persons (LWL members), LWL website and social network of gender equality lawyers‘ created, 10 round table discussions and National conference „50/50“ organized. In cooperation with project partners there will be achieved more tangible project results, including 2 legislative initiatives towards development of gender equality in Lithuania. The key beneficiaries of the project are NGOs actively working with gender equality issues, students, politicians and the society at large.

Summary of project results

Despite the fact that gender equality in Lithuania is de jure protected and fostered, the monitoring of real situation by NGOs suggests that in fact various gender inequality occurs in various different aspects in public and private life, within organizations, social groups, etc. This suggests that further legislative improvements as well as awareness raising and strengthening of watchdog role of NGOs is needed, however, it is evident that there are no strong and visible lobbying organization in the area of gender equality and women's rights in Lithuania. Separate NGOs do address various issues of gender equality however their sporadic and uncoordinated actions do not ensure significant progress or lasting effect. The objective of this project was to improve gender equality mechanism through strengthening advocacy and lobbying skills of members of Lithuanian Women's Lobby Organization. The main outputs of the project were to extend number of members of LWL from 17 to 36 (5 more NGO members have submitted requests to engage in activities LWLO’s), to strengthen 120 NGO members‘ skills in advocacy and civic control by taking best practise of partners from Italy and Iceland. LWLO website and social network of gender equality lawyers have been created. 10 round table discussions and National conference „50/50“ were organised in order to make influence on political decisions in gender equality sphere. During the seminars, more than 126 NGO LWLO representatives developed skills in preparing alternative CEDAW reports. 120 young people have learnt about gender roles and no less than 24 of them will be integrated to LWLO‘s activities as volunteers or employees. 3 political parties have integrated gender equality aspect into their political programmes. Furthermore, at least 2 changes of laws have been prepared (Law on Local Self-Government and Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men). Project partners from Iceland and Italy have contributed their know-how and many years of experience in drafting of gender-equality laws, analysing UN CEDAW convention as well as civilian control, advocacy and lobbying practices. The main beneficiaries of the project were NGOs, actively working in gender equality area, Women Politicians Clubs, youth, studying in higher education institutions in Lithuanian regions, Lithuanian politicians and Lithuania‘s society, especially victims of gender-based discrimination.

Summary of bilateral results

The main contribution of a project partner from Iceland - analysis of laws and their possible changes, transfer of knowledge and best practices of civic control and advocacy to Lithuanian partner. On 3-5 February, 2015 during the trainings in Kaunas on advocacy and international lobbying skills, Lithuanian Women's Lobby members had the opportunity to gain experience from the foreign partner / expert Thorbjorg Inga Jonsdottir. She presented her organization, The Women's Counseling 'activities, providing social and legal assistance to women and the shared experience of cooperation with the local and national authorities in the implementation of various campaigns to improve the rights of women in Iceland. Ms Jonsdottir together with project leaders made analysis of existing laws relating to gender equality, and suggested possible changes to the law. The partner has also prepared a report for the conference "Seimas otherwise", which took place on 8 March, 2016. Project promoter plans to continue cooperation with The Women's Counseling, as it is a socially active organization that engages in actions and defends human rights. Moreover, after completing this project the partner knows Lithuanian environments and may be able to quickly join other initiatives in the area of women's rights and gender equality. Project promoter believes the bilateral partnership has had a significant added value to the quality and success of the project.