For more than 2 decades poverty and social exclusion are persistent problems in Lithuania, which were boosted even more by economic crisis. State policy on eradication of social exclusion is rather inefficient partly due to negative public perceptions of socially disadvantaged groups, which are stigmatized thus weakening social solidarity in the society. Project aims at mobilizing civil society to tackle poverty and social exclusion by strengthening NGOs and fostering tolerance to poor and socially disadvantaged society members. This will be achieved by creating methodology for training NGOs on poverty indicators and trends, coalition building, communications, fundraising and advocacy. 10 trainings in 5 major Lithuanian cities will be conducted. After these trainings NGO will carry on testing practically the newly gained knowledge in workshops and field activities (fund raising campaigns in local communities). Project promoter will hold 2 conferences aimed at raising awareness of NGOs and media regarding anti-poverty and social inclusion measures. Target groups: NGOs, media. Beneficiaries: persons at risk of poverty and social exclusions.
Summary of project results
The level of poverty and social exclusion in Lithuania has not changed during all the years of independence – even in favourable economic times approx. 1 of 5 Llithuanians experienced deprivation. The voice of socially disadvantaged persons is rarely heard as they are not represented in consistent and continuous manner, while fragmented initiative do not produce the desirable results. The aim of this project was to inspire civil society to address the problem of poverty and social exclusion in Lithuania by expanding the network of anti-poverty organizations and strengthening the capacity of its members, as well as encourage public understanding and tolerance towards poor people. Project promoter has developed a methodology for conducting seminars in the regions for anti-poverty organizations and helping them undertake concrete actions. In addition to that teams of volunteers and regional participants were organized to explore and address certain poverty related problems. In 5 Lithuanian regions (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys) two thematic seminars were conducted – first one was focused on analysis of poverty and social exclusion, policies, ways and methods to address these issues; the second one was focused on ways and methods of strengthening the organizations in advocacy, communication and fundraising areas, so they could become effective and self-sustainable in their mission. During the so called independent actions phase of the project, the groups discussed legal environment and legislative initiatives aimed at developing means for poverty reduction. Participants also analysed good practices as well as failures to determine which actions should be continued while others are replaced by new initiatives and ideas. Key results of the project include: a) methodology for conducting seminars developed and 10 regional seminars conducted; b) individual NGOs were activated to explore the environment and propose new actions for the eradication of poverty; c) 5 proposals for improving social policy were generated and promoted, i.e. recommendations for children deinstitutionalization, pension system, social care system, ways and means to operate for bailiffs when dealing with poor and insolvent persons, as well as services for persons who long-term unemployed; e) more than 10 fundraising initiatives implemented; f) the anti-poverty organizations strengthened, the network of anti-poverty organizations enlarged and made more visible.
Summary of bilateral results