Lithuania has 16 multiple sclerosis (MS) associations, distributed in 10 cities in 6 regions, and even though the geographic coverage is broad, the extent and quality of activities differ considerably. Meanwhile, 3,500 persons diagnosed with MS in Lithuania require effective and well co-ordinated representation and assistance in their rights protection, including ensuring continuous service provision necessary for this extremely vulnerable group of disabled people. Project aims to strengthen capacity of membership-based NGOs representing persons with MS through support to administrative capacity building, strategic programme planning and diversification of funds. Capacity building seminars, including on results based management, effective leadership, fundraising and networking, for all MS associations shall be conducted. As a result long-term strategic programmatic plans shall be prepared. Additionally, to improve service provision the 3 mobile teams of specialists shall be assembled. Beneficiaries: persons with MS and their families, MS associations.
Summary of project results
Currently there are around 3500 persons with multiple sclerosis and 60 more are diagnosed each year. Persons with multiple sclerosis need special treatment and services, while the need for social care depends greatly on the level of development of the illness. In case of comprehensive and accessible services most of them can live actively, work and socialize. However the situation with representation of the communities of people with multiple sclerosis is not developed or visible at any level. Persons with multiple sclerosis are formally represented by 16 communities across the country, however few of them operate continuously, are able to sustain their activities and results or capitalize on knowledge when engaging into advocacy initiatives. Project promoter unites all the 16 multiple sclerosis communities thus being able to engage into strengthening the entire network as well as build capacity of all member organizations thus empowering them to act locally, raise awareness and sensitize civil society. Project goal was to strengthen the network of multiple sclerosis communities in Lithuania by improving professionalism of people involved the activities of those organizations, fostering cooperation between the member organizations and ensure necessary social services to persons with multiple sclerosis. The following tasks and activities were completed to achieve this goal. The capacity building of LMSU members included 3 rounds of training on effective management, strategic planning, fundraising and project management. The strengthening of network of multiple sclerosis communities included trainings on coalition building as well as joint operation and advocacy. When all rounds of training were completed all members if the network engaged into drafting the strategy of the network. The effect of trainings was visible immediately – in 2014 member organizations have submitted 6 applications for funding to various municipalities, compared to only 2 applications in 2013. The professionalism and know-how of member organizations were further developed by mutual learning activities and provision of sample services to persons with multiple sclerosis. This allowed refining skills and methods needed for service provision and helped standardize procedures in use. This may enable the organizations to better advocate at local and regional level authorities when seeking for wider accessibility of quality services at hospitals and dispensaries across country.
Summary of bilateral results