In Hungary, there is lack of knowledge about decent work among both employees and employers. Thus in the interest of decent work and tripartite dialogue, more efficient negotiation techniques and communication skills must be developed. The project is aimed at promoting high quality agreements and preparing the members of MGYOSZ – who are sectoral employers’ federations and companies – and members of the organisation MSZOSZ to effectively use the new Labour Code. To promote the project, a professional online advisory site was launched on the project website, where visitors can ask the advice of three experts on labour and social law. During the projectl, the project promoter will organise three training workshops on labour law and two training workshops on negotiation techniques with the participation of company representatives of MGYOSZ members, trade union representatives of the project partner MSZOSZ and representatives of sectoral social dialogue committees.
Summary of project results
Through this project, the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialist (MGYOSZ-Business, Hungary), in cooperation with Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions (MSZOSZ) aimed to promote high quality agreements and prepare MGYOSZ’s members – sectoral employers’ federations and companies – and MSZOSZ’s members to effectively use the new Labour Code. The following activities were performed during the project implementation: - 1 kick off meeting organised in Norway and 1 monitoring meeting in Hungary for exchanging views on the on-going processes on decent work issues in Norway and Hungary; - 3 training workshops on labour law were conducted; - 2 training workshops on negotiation techniques took place; - Final conference organised, 50 participants. The project outputs are as follows: - Professional online advisory service was launched on the project website where Hungarian employees and employers could ask questions related to labour and social law; - At about 200 company representatives of MGYOSZ members, trade union representatives of the project partner MSZOSZ and representatives of sectoral social dialogue committees were trained on negotiation techniques and labour law; - Five curricula on several aspects of the labour code were prepared in order to ease the parties' preparation for collective bargaining. The books were distributed among the members and the participants of the project training workshops as “toolkits”; - An e-learning framework with complete e-learning materials based on the outcome of the conferences and the training workshops was developed.
Summary of bilateral results
The contribution of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise – NHO in the project has been very much apprecaited by the Nungarian organisations. The system of Nowegian social dialogue has been introduced as best practice in the project publication. More added value was the Norwegian good examples and practices for implementing flexicurity patterns in industrial, services sectors and of some spheres of public sector. The sucessful partnership betwen the project promoter and its Norwegian partner has created conditions for a long-term cooperation in the future.