There is lack of knowledge and practice in social dialogue in Slovakia. The project objective is to improve professionalization through education of the trade union on social dialogue between the government and employees. Furthermore, the project will improve the theoretical and practical foundations for effective social dialogue, and, in this manner, contribute to the aim of dignified work. This should decrease the tension between employers and employees. It will also promote social dialogue, gender equality and partnerships throughout the country, and create a positive environment in schools and school facilities. The project activities include organising seminars which specialise in conducting social dialogue and the related domestic and European legislation. The project also has a focus on lifelong and continual learning of the members of the trade union as well as employees in the sector of education. Other focuses are publicity and visibility. The target group consists of 800 people who are to be trained. Out of these, 600 are members of TUWES in Slovakia and 200 are representatives of employers, from pre-primary schools and up to universities.
Summary of project results
The aim of this project was to improve the theoretical and practical knowledge of participants in education in leading effective social dialogue, reducing the tension between employees and employers and thus contributing to a decent working environment and decent work. Five trade unions were involved in the project implementation. The main projects’ outputs are: •9 training courses on the operation of professional and trade union organizations in education, the educational system and activities of professional and trade union organizations, holding of the social dialogue and experience exchange, gender equality and partnership. 395 participants from Czech Republic, Portugal, Hungary, France and Poland attended the training. •7 courses on positive working environment in schools Creation, psychological aspects of effective communication, effective communication and negotiation as a form of social dialogue in schools and educational facilities, etc. - 393 participants attended the courses. •Educational and promotional materials in relation to the training courses developed •One bilingual Bulletin (Slovak- English) on the activities of the project published in 800 pieces In long-term the project results have contributed to the re-accreditation of two educational programs with social dialogue content (till 2021). Knowledge obtained in project helped the project promoter to participate actively in the public service bargaining.
Summary of bilateral results