Training and capacity building for workers' representatives

Project facts

Project promoter:
Trade Union of Food Workers of the Slovak Republic /OZP SR/
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 21,130
The project is carried out in:

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The project intends to strengthen the competences and knowledge of workers’ representatives at the company level in the food sector. The project will support the position of food sector workers. The support is aimed towards an already established national legislative. The project objectives are to increase the workers' competence and rights in their role as social partners. The project activities include expressing concerns, and the organizing and participating in decision making processes. This is expected to lead to the improvement of working conditions, to social dialogue and to the increased well-being of workers. Training and capacity building, lectures on specific topics, and best practice are essential parts of the project activities. The project will improve the knowledge and skills of workers representatives and trade union officials. This will strengthen the trade union official’s partnership position in protecting the workers’ rights in Slovakia. Education and training have always been an essential part of these activities.

Summary of project results

The objective of the project was to strengthen the level of social dialogue in the food sector at national and company level and to improve knowledge and skills of workers representatives - trade union officials and their position as partner in charge of protecting workers rights. Project outputs are: • 3 regional training events conducted – 54 workers representatives and trade union officials who are in charge of collective bargaining at the company level had been trained. • 3 new collective agreements at company level signed • 1 final conference conducted The project has contributed to the establishment of a network for exchange of good practices and to better relations between trade union officials from various companies.

Summary of bilateral results