Enhanced Understanding of Decent Work for Teachers

Project facts

Project promoter:
Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees (LIZDA)
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 116,419
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project objective is to enhance the understanding of decent work issues among teachers in Latvia. The objective will be reached through the promotion of dialogue between employers' organisations, trade unions and public authorities aimed at supporting a sustainable development of the field of education and science in Latvia. To achieve this, the project will carry out research on the needs and wants of education employees regarding stability and decent work conditions within the scope of a collective agreement. The project will also organise the campaign "School Day"; a contest for the best employers in a "teacher-friendly School"; a World Day for Decent Work conference; an assessment of teacher workplaces; discussions with teachers in all regions of Latvia on problems related to decent work conditions; the development of a training programme on collective agreement issues; a closing conference; and the exchange of experience and publicity.

Summary of project results

The objective of the project was to enhance the understanding of decent work issues among teachers in Latvia on a national scale (organised in the teachers' union LIZDA). Several activities which began as as project activities went beyond the project's implementation period and are now organized on yearly basis by LIZDA. Two international conferences were organized during the project implementation, in 2013 and 2014, with presence of the Minister of Education and Science. The project outcomes include the following: 1) the number of collective agreements signed in a two-year period increased from 781 to 950 2) the percentage of working members of LIZDA compared to all working teachers in two-year period increased from 58% to 60%. 791 collective agreements were signed and 54,2% of working teachers were members of LIZDA. There were two output indicators in the project related with collective agreements: 1) the number of suggestions developed for improvement of collective agreements during project implementation increased by 12 2) the number of suggestions incorporated into collective agreements within two-year period increased by 3. These indicators were therefore fully met. The three outputs related to decent work issues were also fully met: 1) the number of municipality deputies with enhanced understanding of teachers work conditions increased by 200 2) the number of Parliament deputies with enhanced understanding of teachers work conditions increased by 10 3) the number of top-level officials of the Ministry of Education and Science with enhanced understanding of teachers work conditions increased by 6.

Summary of bilateral results