The aim of the project is to develop the social dialogue process. Good social dialogue has the potential to resolve important economic and social issues, encourage good governance, advance social and industrial peace and stability and boost economic progress. The project expects to improve the quality of social dialogue in the prison system. This will be achieved by delivering a negotiation training program, both to the public administration and the Union Top Management, focusing on simulations. The project will also build a conjoint work social dialogue agenda, including decent work preliminary talks focused on priorities and practicability of actions adapted to Romania's public administration context; promote unionization of workers in the public administration implementing participative strategies and actions for social dialogue; and disseminate outputs and achievements towards other unions and federation. Prison employees and representatives of the employer from both Romania and Norway intend to exchange experience in order to achieve the these outputs. The project partners is teh Norwegian Trade Union for Correctional Workers.
Summary of project results
The project aimed at contributing to a better social dialogue between Prison Union (SNLP) and the National Administration of Penitentiaries (NAP). The project outputs are: - A Social Dialogue Negotiation Training Programme, including simulation sessions and in workshops and forums, has been developed and implemented - 65 trade union representatives and representatives of the national administration of penitentiaries, have been trained. - 7 working sessions for defining a Model for Road Map for Social Dialogue took place in the period January - June 2014 - One study visit in Norway - One conference (Interact 2014 Conference) on which for the first time in Romanian prison system history a social dialogue meeting took place between all relevant actors: all prison directors, all trade union branch leaders, the management of the prison system and the management of the trade union and the state secretary of Justice Ministry. - 3 policy recommendations on social dialogue policy and practices were concluded and presented into the final conference and to the Interact 2014 Conference. The policies are referring to: i) budget, staff and working condition, ii) social dialogue practice and iii) Classification of units.
Summary of bilateral results
The Union for the employees in the Norwegian correctional service (Kriminalomsorgens Yrkesforbund) had an importnat role during the project implementation. Bringing its experinece and comptence to project activities, the partner has contributed to a mutual understanding of working in Social Dialogue process and the developement of Social Dialogue Negotiation Training Program.