Work – Respect – Appreciation. 7 steps to Work-Life-Balance (WLB)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Pomeranian Employers
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 224,659
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project makes an innovative and complete approach to work-life balance aiming to increase knowledge and share best experience on work-life balance achievement by the participating companies. The project will address the company managers and HR management persons who are responsible for quality improvement and HR efficiency. The concept of the project includes development of a model of Ideal Work-Life Balance. A questionnaire is to be completed by the participating companies, where each of 7 work-life balance steps will be scored. The main project results will be the development of innovative tools and collection of best practices, compliant with the Polish and local market in the area of work-life balance achievements, in order to provide better understanding of advantages of work-life balance in the companies participating in workshops. The is no formal Donor partnerships in the project, however representatives of Nordea Bank, a Norwegian company, shall be invited as experts (seminar, workshops) to the project in order to benefit from their experience of good practices of decent work.

Summary of project results

The main project objective is to increase knowledge and better understanding of advantages of the fair job and implementation of solutions on work-life balance. In addition, the project aimed at evaluating the social dialogue in Poland on three levels - enterprise, in the region – in Pomerania and within the country. The main project outputs are: - 7 workshops for 45 representatives of the Pomeranian companies conducted. It is estimated that finally more than 1000 employees have been reached. , who have indicate influence for about 1000 employees. - A conference on the current conditions of social dialogue in Poland, for 80 representative of employers, unions, government - A study visit in Oslo - 20 employers have learned how the ideal model of social dialogue in Norway and what are the relations between the parties to social dialogue. - A Closing conference – “How to build the space for social dialogue in Poland?” for 80 representative of social dialogue partners - “Green Book” on the best practices in social dialogue in Poland has been published. A projects website has been developed. The project outputs lead to innovative and complete approach to work-life balance, it has included all aspects influencing the work-life balance. It is considered that the project results have contributed to the following socio economic advantages: - Raising awareness on a fair job and work-life balance - Providing a platform and access to updated knowledge resources on management experience, collected through bench marking - Work quality improvement and job satisfaction increase.

Summary of bilateral results