Decent Work as a Key to Company Success

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Union of Private Employers of Lublin Area 'Lewiatan' (ZPPL 'Lewiatan')
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 164,092
The project is carried out in:

More information


The aim of the project is promotion of and support to the idea of decent work and tripartite dialogue, through raising awareness of the importance of decent work (maintaining work-life balance, non-discrimination, health and safety in the workplace) among employers and in companies’ boardrooms as well as employees and public authorities. The project output is training for employers, board members and managers on decent work (maintaining work-life balance, non-discrimination, health and safety in the workplace. The project will target employers (especially ZPPL 'Lewiatan' members), employees, and public authorities from Lublin Province. The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) will contribute with consultations on decent work, tripartite dialogue and corporate social responsibility and present good practice from Norway. NHO and ZPPL ‘Lewiatan’ will also establish bilateral relations. ZPPL ‘Lewiatan’ will gain tools and knowledge from more experienced employers’ organization to spread decent work issues among their members. Members of both organizations will have the opportunity to acquire further business partners.

Summary of project results

The main goal of the project is to foster the question of professional activity of women, and to work out and promote a Package of Recommendations (PofR) concerning solutions facilitating the alignment of professional and private lives (i.e. fostering work-life balance), and solutions for increasing the share of women in both corporate executive and supervisory boards. The main projects’ outputs are: - A study on the awareness of existence of legal instruments that make it easier to align professional and family lives, legal and non-legislative barriers that limit entering and/or continuing employment from the point of view of a parent, and barriers in employment of women from the point of view of the employer. - 3 national conferences organized, each gathering approx.1000 participants - 16 working sessions, designed for women, aimed at presenting the potential and practical competencies necessary when applying for managerial positions in organizations, businesses, and institutions: - Over 4000 people who received information on solutions facilitating the alignment of occupational and private lives, and solutions increasing the participation of women in company boards - Package of recommendations developed: legislative solutions facilitating the alignment of occupational and private lives, and resolutions increasing the percentage of women in executive boards and supervisory boards of companies The project promoter has gained an important knowledge from more experienced employers’ organization to spread decent work issues among their members.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with the Norwegian partner NHO has enabled the Project Promoter as well as Project participants to benefit from the Norwegian experience in the filed of decent work and tripartite dialogue. Through consultation during the project implementation both Polish and Norwegian parties had learnt from each other.