To understand globalization – to work in more dignified manner

Project facts

Project promoter:
Metalworkers’ Secretariat of NSZZ 'Solidarność'
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 46,150
The project is carried out in:

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The aim of the project is to disseminate the principles of decent work and to foster awareness of the advantages resulting from the idea of decent work. Simultaneously, implementation of the project will provide a possibility to transfer knowledge to trade union leaders (30 people), employees and employers (about 150 people) about globalization processes in the economic, social, cultural and political aspects. The project aims to increase of knowledge in the field of women and men equality in the work place and in personal life and the sustainable development, increase of society knowledge on the subject of dignified work and social dimension of globalization and increase of knowledge on the issue of cooperation with foreign investors in production companies.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to disseminate the principles of decent work and to raise awareness on the positive and negative aspects of the process of globalization. 4 scientific conferences under the common title “Human being in face of globalization” took place during the project implementation. These conferences have been organized by the trade union Solidarność in Stalowa Wola and had an important impact contributing to identify the employees’ satisfaction degree within the scope of social acceptance; possibility for cooperation within various fields in the company and beyond it; existing system of interpersonal communication, etc. The cycle of conferences served as a good example which actions are the most important in the relations between employers and employees (incl. the trade union organizations). The project was completed by the conference relating to the question of Social Corporate Responsibility and this subject should be continued in the future – taking into account the EU Directive on that matter.

Summary of bilateral results