Promotion of tripartite social dialogue in Jonava

Project facts

Project promoter:
Achema employees trade union
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 60,000
The project is carried out in:

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The project “Promotion of tripartite social dialogue in Jonava region in Lithuania” will be implemented by Achema employee trade union and three partners from Jonava region representing all tripartite social dialogue partners. The project will be implemented in collaboration with the Norwegian trade union. The strategic objective of the project is to develop tripartite dialogue structures in order to improve social partnership in Jonava region and this project will be an essential tool for establishing a tripartite dialogue structure - Tripartite Committee - for the first time in the region. The stakeholders of the project are members and partners, about 140 people. The project will be financially and institutionally sustainable. Social partners will get knowledge for proper tripartite social dialogue in the future.

Summary of project results

Social dialogue in Lithuania is regulated under the Lithuanian Labour Code (Official Journal, 2002, No. 64-2569). Unfortunately Lithuania meets challenges such us (i) low rate of membership in trade unions and employer’s organizations, (ii) little focus on decent work, (iii) not balanced social dialogue, (iiii) protecting workers from abusive practices. Similar problems are faced in Jonava region, where chemical and manufacturing industries are developed. Unfortunately structures like tripartite committee as a place for discussion and work preparation are not established in the region. Such kind of tripartite social dialogue structure is necessary to evaluate current problems, make influence and initiate propositions for the local government. The main activities performed during the project implementation were related to: - 2 trainings for social partners on the issues of social dialogue organised; - 1 study visit to Norway for sharing of experience and best practices on social dialogue; - 1 study visit to a selected region in Lithuania; - 3 round tables on tripartite social dialogue and tripartite regional agreement. The project outputs are: - Elaboration of a study for the development of social dialogue of Jonava District; - 40 social partners trained on the issues of social dialogue and decent work; - Draft regional collective agreement prepared; - Tripartite Agreement signed between Jonava District Municipality, employers’ organizations and Association of Jonava Trade Unions; - Tripartite Council established. During the first meeting of the Tripartite Council, it was agreed to launch negotiations on the Tripartite Collective Agreement of Jonava District.

Summary of bilateral results