DECENT - Developing Employee Capacity though European and National Level Training

Project facts

Project promoter:
Forum for the Cooperation of Trade Unions - SZEF
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 50,000
The project is carried out in:

More information


The aim is to increase the capacity of workers in the field of social dialogue and decent work through specific trainings which include legal education about workers' rights, social dialogue structures and EU and ILO agreements and recommendations, practical studies such as negotiation techniques, and organisational methodology and communication, paying special attention to young workers. The target group is shop stewards/Trade Union (TU) officers, who are the front line representatives of trade unions, and therefore most capable of effectively representing employees in negotiations, of strengthening the basis of trade unions and of recruiting new members. Furthermore, the project will strengthen the role and improve the quality of the dialogue conducted amongst social partners, increase the involvement of shop stewards/TU officers in the social dialogue system, strengthen the basis of trade unions through capacity-building, improve the level of knowledge on decent work and its advantages, and create a TU handbook. The Norwegian partner in this project is Confederation of Unions for Professionals (UNIO).

Summary of project results

Regarding the tripartite dialogue the biggest challenge in Hungary is to restore tripartism. There is no tripatite body currently in Hungary. The existing National Ecomonic and Social Committee is a multipartite system involving civil organisations, churches, etc. and having the government only as observer on board. Therefore, the the project focused on: (1) strengthening the social dialogue at local levels by empowering young representatives of the organisation at the field offices through a very complex training program about how to encourage participation of workers in social dialogue structures (recruitment and organising) and how to operate successfully within this structures (legal framework, negotiation techniques, collective bargaining methodology) and promote decent work at the workplaces (quality jobs, equal pay, gender equality, etc.) (2) developing an understanding and awareness of the decent work agenda with a special poster campaign at the occasion of the World Day for Decent Work at 2013 about the representatives of different professions at work to promote the importance of working life and private life balance, rights at work and social values, etc. In addition, the project has contributed to a better understanding and a much wider knowledge on tripartism and decent work. Many youth representatives were trained in the frame of the project and have become officially elected trade union officers and taking up higher responsibilities.

Summary of bilateral results

The Norwegian partner UNIO has contributed to the project with their experience and knowledge of the Norwegian Social Dialogue System, UNIO has also contributed to the development of the training materials and the final handbook of the project. The beneficiaries of the project have become more aware of best practicies of Norwegian Social Dialogue and made them able to be the source of change.