Strengthening Trade Unions in Tripartite Dialogue

Project facts

Project promoter:
Free Trade Union Confederaion of Latvia (LBAS)
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 93,857
The project is carried out in:

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The project aims at the adoption of the proposals in a legislation at national level in Latvia, the creation of Sectoral General agreements, an increase in the number of collective agreements, and a New Trade Union (TU) organization at enterprise level. The Free Trade Union COnfederation of Latvia (LBAS) will achieve these outcomes by organising internal and external cooperation meetings and training on how to strengthen tripartite dialogue; training in communication; creating a database of LBAS statements; and developing a proposal to strengthen trade union impact and a definition of action methods. The target group for the questionnaire will be representatives from national sub-committees, the Latvian parliament, Saeima, and the government, as well as NGOs and public institutions. The aim is to achieve a discussion on the public function and delegation to social partners in the future.

Summary of project results

The Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS) is a social partner in the National Tripartite Cooperation Council (NTCC) which coordinates tripartite social dialogue among employers' organizations, government bodies and trade unions. The NTCC is one of few platforms in Latvia that protects employees’ interests, enhances the role of collective agreements and provides a forum for organisations to be involved in policy development to ensure decent work. The objective of the project was to strengthen LBAS impact on the national tripartite dialogue. The activities performed during the project implementation were as follows: - Conference on tripartite relations with representatives of the government was organized; - Evaluation of the National tripartite dialogue was carried out; - 2 trainings organized by LBAS; - 4 trainings/seminars organized by Employers' organization (LDDK); - International Forum on social dialogue was organized, providing a good platform to exchange good practices on tripartite dialogue and better understanding of the role of trade unions and defining possible actions; - 1 study visit to Norway was made to get best practice from Norwegian national level social partners on how to organize social dialogue in all levels. The project results include the following: - At about 100 trade union representatives were trained on issues related to tripartite dialogue, communication and gender equality. The trainings and seminars have contributed to increase the awareness among trade union’ representatives and strengthen the LBAS position on national level; - More than 300 representatives of social management bodies trained and educated on tripartite dialogue structures; - 4 proposals for draft law review and legitimate action of the national social partner made to the government; - Cooperation Agreement signed between the Trade Union of Construction Workers and the Construction Association of the Employers’ Confederation. - Action plan to initiate decent work measures in national tripartite dialogue was elaborated. The involvement of different stakeholders during the project implementation has led to a better understating of the functions of the organisations, more fruitful discussions and better positioning of the social partners in the future.

Summary of bilateral results

Good and strong bilateral relations. The experience and good expertise of the Norwegian partner LO on tripartite issues contributed to excellent communication and consultation on project issues on regular basis during all project phases. LBAS and LO-Norway have got already plans for further cooperation.