The Greatest Challenge of Decent Work: Occupational Stress

Project facts

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Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 86,080
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The objective of this project is to promote national and international policies for decent work and to develop system for reduction of occupational stress at police officers work-places. The main activities will include interviewing 200 police officers. Further 160 police officers will be trained on the topic decent work issues and occupational stress. The project will promote set milestones and the rights of police officers in the field of occupational stress in reference with all strategic documents. Activity will also develop methodology ensuring health and safety at work places and reduction of occupational stress in the targeted segment. It will be establish a sustainable mechanism for enhancing decent work benefits and to expand the circle of trained police officers.

Summary of project results

The objective of the project was to promote good practices and policies for decent work and to develop system for reduction of occupational stress at police officers work-places. The factors causing occupational stress were not identified and methodology to be managed were not existing before the project "Decent work greatest challenge: occupational stress". The main outputs of the projects are: 1) In relation to the Social and Tripartite Dialogue:  2 research reports have been published, 15 stakeholders were interviewed,  6 workshops conducted with 89 participants,  1000 manuals were distributed,  5 working groups were established and are still operating,  12 articles have been published in the media  1 round table was organized about the reforming of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior (MoI). 2) In relation to the enhanced understanding of the benefits of decent work :  2 surveys were conducted, 263 persons were interviewed,  8 trainings (for development of skills for conducting of trainings for occupational stress management and on strategic planning) were conducted with 96 participants,  14 one-day trainings with 172 participants and 1450 training materials and books were produced and disseminated,  3 conferences and 8 regional forums organized,  more than 20 articles published in the media and approx..3 million citizens reached. All project results have been taken into consideration and action plan for reforming of the Bulgarian MoI has been developed. The project was extremely important and its results are beyond the expectations. Suggestions for changes in the Law on MoI have been presented to the Bulgarian parliament. Negotiations with Bulgarian NGOs have been conducted and a coalition has been organized. The project ‘s outputs are currently the basis for a discussion at regional and national level about the citizens' and MoI employees' safety and security.

Summary of bilateral results