More investment in lifelong learning for quality jobs and its measures targeted to trade union members capacity improvement through lifelong learning activities. The Programme of Podkrepa LC till 2015 sets among its priorities provision of opportunities for members for additional qualifications and LLL. In this context, Project aims at strengthening capacity of Podkrepa local leaders for effective work with stakeholders (state and private institutions, NGOs, local and professional communities), improvement of key competences for effective involvement in the social dialogue; support of local networks establishment. Expected outcomes are: Improved capacity of regional leaders for effective work in tripartite committees at local level and bettered key competences for efficient work (leadership, negotiation skills, work with stakeholders, establishment of partners hips). Key activities are related to design of specialized interactive mentors training programme, provision of mentors’ trainings, multiplication of results among mentees, dissemination conference for promotion of results achieved.
Summary of project results
Project aims at strengthening the capacity of Podkrepa Labor Confederation’s local leaders for effective work with stakeholders (state and private institutions, NGOs, local and professional communities), improvement of their key competences for effective involvement in the social dialogue and support of local networks establishment. The project has achieved the following results: - 40 mentors (regional or branch trade union leaders) trained. They are members of tripartite committees at local and regional level. The 40 mentors provided 80 reports for all mentees were among key topics of expert, technical and motivational support given, are themes and issues related to improvement of work with local stakeholders, development of partnerships and establishment of local networks composed on a principle of common understanding of the importance of Decent work and tripartite dialogue. - Webpage for trade union trainings developed. Training methodology, training materials and guidelines for mentors created and available at the website of the Confederation. - 4 trainings of trade union leaders organized for key competences improvement. Best practices in Tripartite Councils exchanged during 4 trainings among 40 trainees. - 1 conference organized for exchange of experience and evaluation of the impact of mentorship programme implementation. 80 mentees supported in best practices implementation by trade union leaders trained to act as mentors. - In total 120 trade union representatives (40 mentors and 80 mentees) are involved in the process of collective bargaining either on the level of branches or the level of enterprises. The project outputs has led to an improved capacity for effective participation at Tripartite councils at local and regional level by improvement of negotiation skills, leadership, partnerships development.
Summary of bilateral results