To improve the social dialogue and tripartite dialogue structures in Bulgaria. This involves advocating for increased transparency of the social dialogue process. To investigate the current status of the tripartite cooperation in dynamic aspect; to improve the capacity-building of the interested stakeholders; to raise the public awareness of the discussed issues and decisions within the tripartite dialogue structures; to share experience, knowledge and best practices with Norway. The expected outcome is improved social dialogue and tripartite dialogue structures and practices. The project outputs are related to: increased awareness on the current status of the tripartite cooperation, improved capacity building, increased transparency of the tripartite cooperation and social dialogue, increased public awareness.
Summary of project results
The project was established as a results of an unfriendly environment characterised by: 1) lack of transparency on the mechanism and principles of making and implementing decisions at national level 2) lack of transparency widely represented at regional and sectorial level where in most cases such form of social dialogue does not exist 3) lack of transparency on the forms, methods and principles of tripartite cooperation that lead to increase of the distrust among the representatives of the tripartite cooperation and civil society in the country 4) regular withdrawal of representatives of the nationally represented employees’ organizations and employers' organizations from the tripartite cooperation The achieved outcomes include improved social dialogue and tripartite dialogue structures and practices These outcomes were achieved through building capacities, increased transparency in tripartite cooperation and social dialogue and by increasing public awareness on issues related to social dialogue and tripartite cooperation. The main outputs of the project were: - 6 research and analyses of the actual status of the tripartite cooperation (vertically and horizontally based) - 7 seminars with stakeholders organised in each NUTS-2 regions in Bulgaria - 1 round table discussions with interested stakeholders, representatives from NHO and policy making institutions, national media coverage - 1 study tour in Norway - 2 press conferences
Summary of bilateral results
The professional contribution of the project partner consisted in its participation in the organised study tour and round table. Experts from NHO has transferred the specific Norwegian experience in tripartite cooperation and social dialogue. The bilateral partnership contributed to the project in terms of: - improved capacity-building of the interested stakeholders - Improved knowledge and good practices in collective bargaining - shared experience, knowledge and best practices with Norway - improved public awareness about the applied practices in social dialogue in Norway