Pilot Project for Quality Ageing

Project facts

Project promoter:
Local Government of Alsómocsolád
Project Number:
Target groups
Elderly people,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 1,019,799
The project is carried out in:


Alsómocsolád with its 356 inhabitants is a distinctive small village in Hungary in the Southern Transdanubia region which itself is characterized by large number of small villages and non-favourable economic and social conditions and 16th from the bottom on the EU regional list by GDP/capital. The pilot project proposal is based on local cooperation in the past 20 years experience and an established system in elderly care. Overall aim of the project: To enhance the quality of care for an increasingly ageing population in small isolated villages in rural Hungary. Direct Objective 1 Capacity-building in the public sector and local human resources which raise the strategic and operational skills. Under this objective activities will include: 31 trainings, 4 curriculum development initiatives, 4 conferences, 1 workshop, 3 research projects, 1 language training programme, 3 study tours, 2 expert exchanges, 8 strategic documents, activities of inter-generational solidarity. Direct objective 2. Improved quality care and services for Elderly people, to raise the quality and effectiveness of the institutional capacity. Priority of this direct objective is better service provision, improved accomodation, new services, establishment of a Methodology and Consultancy Centre. Six 3-bedded rooms in the care home will be remodelled into a more personalised 2-bedded capacity, provision of a fitness room for the elderly for programmes preventing health decline and encouraging active ageing, creation of one consultation room for group therapy, private psychological consultation, health & dietary discussions. A kitchen upgrade will enable: provision of a less institutionalised menu and increased response to individual dietary needs.

Summary of project results

Summary of bilateral results