Biochar is the by-product of pyrolysis technologies. The biochar could be used as soil fertilize, organic mater increaser. During the project the by-product of energetic technologies will be recycled in agricultural fields as soil fertility increasing substrate, especially on soils which are degraded. The goal is the utilization of wastes/by-products as feedstock to biochar production increases the feasibility of the pyrolysis technology by the developed products (soil amendment) and technologies (soil amending and crop yield increasing technologies). The results are selection of the biochar types suitable for sandy soils and development of the technology applying biochar to soil, Know-how development. The target groups are user of Pyrolysis technology and Agricultural enterprises. The coordinator is the Biofill Ltd, market leader microbiological soil fertilizer products, the Norwegian partner is the Bioforsk Institute (the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research) with research experiment on pyrolysis by-products. The results of cooperation are bilateral knowledge transfer, and international product share.
Summary of project results
Utilisation of wastes/by-products as feedstock to biochar production increases the feasibility of the pyrolisis technology. Pyrolisis may gain unrivalled environmental, economic and social advantages against other energy production technologies, if in addition to energy production, the benefits from the application of the by-product, the biochar as carrier of soil inoculum and as soil amendment may be realised too. The environmental and socio-economic benefits from pyrolysis and its by-product utilisation may by far over-compensate the disadvantages that appear at present when compared with other, routinely practiced energy producing technologies. The sandy soils in Hungary are considered to be soil types requiring amendment. Application of biochar to these soils might be a real alternative to improve the texture and normalise the nutrient and water retention capacity of the deteriorated acidic sandy soils on the long term. In Hungary 1.4 million hectars land is endangered by erosion, due to decreased organic matter and nutrient content, deteriorated soil structure and acidification. 12% of Hungary’s territory is covered by acid sandy soil needing amendment and sustaining the soil quality on the long term. Demonstration of the innovative utilisation of biochar, the by-product of pyrolisis and substantiation (verification) of the feasibility of the developed products (carrier and soil amendment) and technologies (soil amending and crop yield increasing technologies). Biochar as the carrier of the soil inoculum, aiming at fixing the microbial cells, prolonging their life span and easing the handling of soil inocula. Solid microbial inoculum fixed on the biochar carrier will be developed to acidic and sandy soils. Know-how development for biochar application to acid sandy soils and inoculum fixed on biochar carrierwas carried out. Selection of the biochar types suitable for acid, sandy soils and establishment of a biochar-database. N2O emissions measured 2 years after biochar application were not significantly reduced. Biochar applications at 8 and 25 t C ha-1 had little impact on microbial biomass and functional diversity in the field. Demonstration of the use of biochars in environmental technologies was escorted. The industrial property protection of the new products and technologies was started.
Summary of bilateral results
The Norwegian Partner took part of experimental development, offered a well-working and continously developed Biochar database, ensures an up-to-date technical conultancy, participates in verification. Took part in publicity, organizes technical meeting in Norway in the frames of the collaboration. Using their wide-range former project-experiences, technically supports the project management activity. As a combined purpose of biochar in acid sandy soils: crop yield increasing inoculum and soil amending additive jointly means a Know-how development, which is a world-level novelty. Thus the Norwegian Partner's attendance was very remarkable and important in the project.