Mobility Projects in Other Educational Institutions and Education related Institutions

Project facts

Project promoter:
Jászsági Bercsényi Miklós Primary School
Project Number:
Target groups
Schools and other institutions providing education and/or training at all levels
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 16,830
The project is carried out in:


International and Hungarian research shows that national educational systems in Europe experience similar difficulties. To overcome the challenges it is important to establish joint collaboration and consultation.The Scandinavian school model is used as a referential basis in Hungary, and with this project the staff at the selected Hungarian school will be able to experience it first-hand. The host teachers will in return become more aware of their strengths and learn about possibilities and results in Hungary, particularly in regards to nature conservation.The aim of the project is to share our experiences and facilitate discussion on issues such as - nature conservation and environmental problems, - electricity and saving energy, - difficulty of overweight, health hazards related to it and sport, - learning foreign languages, - educational issues. The project's focus on exchanging and utilizing good practices help in teachers’ development (in a more efficient way than through just theoretical training). there will be 12 participating teachers from Hungary. In addition to the participants, the lessons learned from the project will be disseminated to the entire staff of the participating school, totaling 36 teachers, but also to the 120 teachers and 1200 students involved in 12 schools that are part of a wider institution. Workshops, open lessons, conferences will be held, and the local media will be invited and informed about the programmes.The partnership will increase professional responsibility and commitment for professional development.

Summary of project results

The main objective of our school's pedagogical program is to raise generations that are able to meet the natural-technical-societal challenges of the 21st century. It has become clear that schools should not only teach curricula but also enable the individuals to engage in lifelong learning and co-operation in order to solve particular problems. Technical progress, environmental sustainability, and the interaction of many interconnected economies will only succeed if we are all formulating the same priorities and a regular dialogue is being developed between people. In order to achieve these goals, we strive to develop bilateral relations with schools in other countries. Our school has been involved in Comenius and Erasmus + projects for many years, there have been numerous contacts with institutions from different countries on a wide range of topics, but the northern areas, in this case the donor countries, Norway and Iceland had been missed out this process. It has filled us with a bit of wonder what the education system of these countries might be like, what we could learn from them, especially in the fields of foreign language, natural science, environmental and physical education, as well as pedagogy. Our professional goal was to find out the effectiveness of pedagogical processes in educational settings different from the ones we have in our country. We think that we can adapt the methods and good practices we saw into our own system, taking into account the needs and opportunities of our students. We felt that we were able to accomplish these goals; we adapted many good ideas which we have already used, even though in a simplified form. We were looking forward to each the mobility; we had researched the education system of the countries, and gathered our questions. Based on our foreign experiences we have been working on formulating our tasks in each and every field of interest within our institution, and we are pleased to see that our colleagues are also appreciating our efforts. Our application was granted 15 mobilities out of which 12 were outbound and 3 were inbound mobilities. There were two trips to Norway with 3 people each, and the same to Iceland. At the same time, 3 Norwegian colleagues from the Norwegian donor school could study the Hungarian education system and gain information about our school. 3 people traveled to Iceland in mid-2016, while 3 colleagues at the end of October participated in good practice in Norway.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with the donor countries started out a bit slowly as finding partner institutions proved to be rather difficult.Another school in Jászberény had had a standing relationship with Grandaskóli.We approached them and they were very welcoming.We wrote a letter to the Norwegian school all unknown after finding their contact online,(as a matter of fact, we wrote to several other Norwegian schools) and fortunately they were also open to a new relationship.Through the project, we have become certain that our school does need a relationship with Nordic countries,and based on our experiences, so do they.As we introduced the Hungarian education system to the visiting Norwegian colleagues,they could also take part in good practices that they were able to adapt in their work.Of course,the possibility of continuation has also been raised, including Erasmus + KA2,Erasmus + KA1 joint projects,but we are looking forward to being able to apply for a joint projects under the umbrella of the Norwegian Funds.No preparatory visit was made during the project.During the meetings we focused on five topics in more detail (sport, environmental protection, science, pedagogy, foreign language education). Sports:The purpose of the meeting was to find forms of action that could help solve the biggest problem in the area. Today,despite the ever-improving circumstances,the students’physical training is inadequate.Suggestion:to provide students with general physical education courses with a choice of sports so that their motivation can be increased.English:The English language is used by the adult population of Scandinavian countries almost as a second mother tongue; students are close to being fluent at elementary school age.During the lessons they process ordinary topics in the form of role-playing games and other methods. Their teaching does not focus on grammar as much as on communication skills.Environment,energy:During bilateral meetings and lesson shadowing, we found that our partners are struggling with similar problems as we do.While the industries need well-trained innovative technical specialists, only a limited number of children chose professions in these fields. We have met each other's diverse motivational methods. We agreed that achieving better results is only possible through the processing of complex practical examples.It is important to ensure the success of the gradual principle.At the meeting, we exchange the best-in-class project topics.