The University of Szeged (USz) identified a reciprocal decreasing of mobility exchanges in its partnership with Norwegian HEIs in the last 2-3 years. Additionally, the cooperation with Iceland was also characterized by a similar declining tendency of partnerships and mobility numbers. To stop these unfavourable processes, the USz has decided to develop a new strategy for bilateral cooperation with EEA EFTA HEIs. The objective is to enhance and develop reliable mobility exchange frameworks by supporting and developing quality cooperation and with special attention to further development of guidance and counseling services for the mutual benefits of all programme participants. Expected outcomes of the project are to have long-lasting partnerships with present and new partner institutions from the Donor Countries in the framework of intensive mobility programmes and with increasing exchange numbers involving students, teachers and administrative staff. The present project is extended also to Doctoral Schools. PhD mobility to the Donor States is expected to result in joint PhD programmes in the future. To achieve the expected outcomes USz is ready to adopt a performance-based approach by using output measures in collaboration with partner institutions. Successful implementation of the project will contribute to enhancing internationalization of partner universities, promoting and supporting academic and administrative cooperation between Hungarian and Donor States institutions.
Summary of project results
Summary of bilateral results