The objectives of our program – " Gipsy & non gipsy - great possibility" – are to promote intercultural dialogue between Roma and non-Roma individuals and groups; the mitigation of prejudiced attitudes; and the reduction of social tensions. The main sites for the project are Szendrőlád and Martonyi, and Pánd. 15 children & their 15 parents will be chosen from each of these villages to participate in the program. In Szendrőlád and Martonyi the target group is almost 100% Roma, but in Pánd there will be also other disadvantaged people involved in the activities. The goal is to provide opportunities for these disadvantaged and largely segregated people through which they can experience different "external" impulses to help them make changes in their lives. A total of 90 people will participate, but during the one-year project period they would like to reach out to many more people. To this end, apart the regular developer training sessions and workshops, they plan to organise other programs as well, which will involve representatives from all sorts of social circles to nurture cultural values. The main activities: Drama Pedagogy sessions three times a week for children groups, Drama Pedagogy sessions once a month for adult groups, 3 days visit in Szendrőlád for people of different social groups, integrated summer camp, events amplifying community life, travelling opportunities abroad – Liechtenstein, organising Christmas events in the villages, Roma Culture Day music event in Budapest with the participation of the band ‘Budapest Bár’ The Roma people aren’t just participants in the programs, but they also involve them as organisers. Our project is supported by the local municipalities, Gypsy Minority Self-Governments, and NGOs. As a donor partner, the Special Education Centre for the Principality of Liechtenstein – which deals with disadvantaged children and young people – also participates in the program.
Summary of project results
The project promoted intercultural dialogue between Roma and non-Roma individuals and groups, the mitigation of prejudiced attitudes, and the reduction of social tensions. The main sites of the project were Szendrőlád, Martonyi and Pánd. 15 children and their parents were chosen from each of these villages and participated in the programme. In Szendrőlád and Martonyi the target group was almost 100% Roma. They involved the participants in complementary activities that could potentially initiate development in the lives of the individuals, the families, the village communities and on the level of society as well. A total of 90 people participated, but during the one-year project period they were to reach out to many more people, as they aimed to promote co-operation between the Roma and non-Roma population through joint activities.. The main activities included: - Drama Pedagogy sessions three times a week for children groups - Drama Pedagogy sessions once a month for adult groups - 3-days visit in Szendrőlád for people of different social groups (total of seven shifts) - integrated summer camp - events amplifying community life - travelling opportunities abroad to Liechtenstein - Christmas events in the villages - Roma Culture Day music event in Budapest with the participation of the band ‘Budapest Bár’ The Roma people weren't just participants in the programmes, but were also involved as organisers. The project was supported by the local municipalities, the Gypsy Minority Self-Governments and NGOs.
Summary of bilateral results
As a donor project partner, a special education institution from Liechtenstein – which deals with disadvantaged children and young people – also participated in the programme. The project promoter had to cooperate closely with Heilpädagogisches Zentrum des Fürstentums Liechtenstein regarding the visit abroad during the respective period of the project. They kept them informed about further stages of the project with brief reports and pictures in the hope of a long-lasting relationship with the donor partner in the future, in which the partner seemed keen on having the opportunity to become acquainted with our culture and visit them in the framework of an exchange programme to strengthen the relationship between the organizations .