The Association of Public Education and Rural Development is the Project Promoter for this project. It aims to promote a program tested by friends of the Roma Country House in Hodász. Seven settlements are affected by “My Grandfather’s Treasure” Roma and non-Roma intercultural network aiming to safeguard and explore local Roma and non-Roma cultural and regional values by carrying out this unique project. During the implementation of the project the Project Promoter wishes to especially pay attention to record those methods and experiences, with which it will be able to transfer the project's methods and experiences to other communities in the future. Expected results of the one year project period are to offer Roma cultural routes and attractions (7–7) to domestic and foreign visitors. While preserving the benefits of cultural diversity are experienced by young Roma and non-Roma in direct and indirect ways, the project seeks to strengthen youngsters' awareness of their culture and their involvement in it. The youth involved in the country house’s media workshop, the Ribbon Folk Playhouse, and art therapy workshop join together to find ways to safeguard cultural traditions. The workshops support each other’s activity, and by innovative methods, community experience, and cooperation they create lasting products, experiencing the joy of creation, developing their problem-solving and expression skills. Web-radio is an opportunity to make multilingual reporting and use Romani, Hungarian, English, German languages actively. New and unique part of media workshop is that it calls for continuous creation, problem solving and the active use of the Romani language. Besides these, it also serves the protection of local values and traditions. In the framework of village tourism, multilingual radio programmes is a true addition. The project strengthens cooperation among generations as youngsters continuously create reports with seniors, they respect their knowledge.
Summary of project results
The Association established a model programme in seven towns of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County with Hodász as centre. The goal was to implement a unique programme by exploring and popularizing the values of the local Roma and non-Roma culture and landscape in Nyírség. Roma and non-Roma young people participated in the value-rescue work who collected the ethnographic and landscape values of their town with their mentors. They met each other in the Hodász Creative House each month. Also, the field trips forged the local youth. The media workshop presented the programme in Hodász and on road-shows promoting web radios in 10 towns. The participants of „Pántlika” (ribbon) Folk Playhouse and Art Therapy Workshop created lasting products with innovative methods and co-operative work, which were showed on travelling exhibitions at the programme sites.The 60-hour Roma Folk Playhouse instructor training has been elaborated and accredited. Museum pedagogy sessions and guided tours brought the Roma folk culture closer to the visitors. In the workshops, mutual exchange of experience, transfer of knowledge and opportunity to meet recognized experts in the topic was constantly provided for the professional team. During the symposium, the colleagues of museums and exhibitions housing Roma collections in different towns of Hungary could meet. The popularization of village tourism, of the local ethnographic and landscape values took a start in the seven towns of Nyírség involved in the programme, and the "Grandfather's Treasure Programme" was a very strong link.
Summary of bilateral results