Self-care, Self-service, Social Integration for Visually Impaired People

Project facts

Project promoter:
Győr-Moson-Sopron County Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 14,436
The project is carried out in:


The project aims to enhance self-care of VI people, their role in their family and social integration. The association seek VI people become equal members of family and society, acting as working tax-payers rather than dependants. For the above they shall conduct trainings to relearn everyday activities needed for self-care, learn Braille, independent traffic and IT skills, hold Mental hygienic, Rehabilitation, Lifestyle and Family Therapy counselling, run self-help groups. Expected results: At least 50 VI involved in rehabilitation process, gaining ability to live independent life and self-care, after having IT education able to manage administration affairs and access to cultural life. Participants may enter the labour market. They plan to cooperate preferably with eye clinics dealing with medical rehabilitation of VI persons. The association has already been working with the Regional Employment Centre and family support service.

Summary of project results

Rehabilitation is state responsibility carried out also by our association for almost 11 years. During rehabilitation visually impaired people can learn basic skills of self-care, self-service, moving with white cane, using assistive tools and ITC in frames of “lessons”. The project aimed at awareness raising and making integration and information accessible, which aims were absolutely met by the project. As an impact of the project the structure of the Association changed, social acceptance and engagement of VI people improved as well their possibilities to get to information. Rehabilitation lessons and leisure time programs were held. In addition to the full implementation of both activities leisure time programs even exceeded the targets, with 35 participants instead of 30. Cooperation and partnership with the tendering organization was better than expected, clients absolutely satisfied with our services. The results can be sustained by voluntary work and further project applications.

Summary of bilateral results