Information about European Union hardly reaches disadvantaged settlements, schools are not prepared, however if EU is missed from the curriculum then students will not know their rights and the possibilities of EU. The main objective of the project is to bring information about the EU to socially and geographically disadvantaged schools in order to strengthen the consciousness about the EU and fundamental rights. The project aims to make disadvantaged students catch up, to strengthen the democratic values, to lower the negative stereotypes and conflicts. Volunteers will be recruited and involved, they will take part in trainings. Joining schools will be mapped by the volunteers thus the thematic of classes can be elaborated. A methodical handbook will be edited. Volunteers will hold pilot and then real classes along the elaborated thematic. Training for the involved pedagogies will be held. The project promoter realizes an online forum for the involved classes with a representative of the European Parliament. Evaluating event will close the project. The target group includes disadvantaged students and their teachers, schools and civic organizations.
Summary of project results
The main objective of the project was to promote European values and to raise awareness about European identity and the possibilities gran ted by the EU. It also aimed to bring information about the EU to socially and geographically disadvantaged schools. The organization recruited volunteering youngsters from their clubs, previous trainings and programs. 20 youth participated in the 3-days-long preparing training in which youth got know each other and have started a common thinking about EU related issues that youth are concerned. They learned a bit more about the EU, elaborated the thematics – which later were the base of the classes, and they also learned about conflict management and group dynamics. Volunteers formed pairs and they visited the 10 collaborating schools so they could build a partnership and measure the needs. The project promoter ensured a workshop and several mentoring occasions so the theory of the methods was put in practice and the volunteers, they also had the chance to hold pilot classes so youth could practice and they got reflections from professionals. Teachers of the collaborating schools were invited to a workshop where they learned about the project, the used methods and made the appointments for the “EU classes”. Another workshop was organized for teachers where they got know useful methods for teaching about EU for youth. Altogether 22 classes in 9 towns were realized by the volunteers with the participation of 14-30 youngsters. 68 visitors (volunteers, youth, teachers, professionals) participated at the closing conference. The project promoter ensured broad dissemination to the project: they made booths in several public events e.g. festivals, open university-days (reaching 30-400 people per occasion). Representatives of the project promoter gave radio interviews, and with the help of the youth generated website, blog and social media entries. A methodological handbook and an animation (about EU integration) were edited.
Summary of bilateral results