The founders of Müszi realized that the main problem of civic organizations is that that they are weak, they have organizational and management deficiency and they lack the effective communication. The low cooperation skill makes these organizations vulnerable and weak. There is a need of community places that offer diverse interactions. The main objective of the project is to develop and broaden the Cultural Floor (Müszi) of the Corvin Mall, and to raise the motivation and activity of civils. The project promoter together with the community will map the infrastructural problems, prioritize them and look for solutions. They will form new spaces according to the needs of the community, and will make the available but out-of-use places to be useful. The project promoter will elaborate a community developer, incubator service pack and will start and monitor its implementation. 50 volunteers, supporter and 50 new collaborators are expected to join during the project. The target group includes the current renters (about 35 groups), the users of conference rooms, newly joining civic organizations, the audience and partners of Müszi (100.000 people).
Summary of project results
The founders of Müszi (a cultural and community space, called Cultural Floor) recognized that the main problem of civic organizations was that that they were weak, they had organizational and management deficiency and they lacked the effective communication. The low cooperation skill made these organizations vulnerable and weak thus there was a need of community places that offer diverse interactions. The main objective of the project was to develop and broaden Müszi -which can be found above the Corvin Mall-, and to raise the motivation and activity of civils. The project promoter achieved its aims: the unused spaces were seized up and with the method of community planning it was renovated. At the same time the community of Müszi has grown, a community development and incubator program was launched; also the model program was presented and propagated. The network of Müszi has also grown as new volunteers joined, new cooperation agreements were signed, new renters came to the space thus it was necessary to develop the capacity of the organization. The project contributed to the targeted problem because such a non-governmental community place were formed where civic organizations can express their opinion and they can have recourse to services which tackle their weakness, organizational and management deficiencies and improve their communication. Within the frame of the project several working groups were set up which focused on bank consultation, financial and administrative consultation, legal consultation, web development, personal or business development. All developments implemented in the project (infrastructure, incubation services, community development) answered the needs of communities according to the previously done situation analyzes. As a result the working space of civic organizations developed, their capacities improved; furthermore, the project had an effect on the whole civic sphere as the published handbook gives methodological help for similar initiatives.
Summary of bilateral results