Urban networks for rescuing food

Project facts

Project promoter:
Hungarian Foodbank Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 31,590
The project is carried out in:


Organizations with social activities recognized the needs of people for food donations. There is a surplus of food that is suitable for human consumption in the commercial and producer companies but the surplus is usually thrown away. This situation causes a social and sustainable problem. That is why the main objective of the project is to forward the food surplus to those in need. It aims to share and provide100.000kg food for 10.000 people. It also aims to involve 25 civic organizations to the network, at least 150 persons will join and 150 organizations are expected to cooperate in the project. By the end of the project the implementer organization will have an elaborated methodology, and will become a member of the Self-regulatory Board of Fundraising Organizations. During the project forums, trainings and workshops will be hold and the food-adoption system will be initiated. The methodology will be based on the experience of the implementation of this project. The target group includes social civic organizations, food chain companies and people struggling with the lack of food.

Summary of project results

Organizations with social activities recognized the needs of people for food donations. There is a surplus of food that is suitable for human consumption in the commercial and producer companies but the surplus is usually thrown away. This situation causes a social and sustainable problem. That is why the main objective of the project was to forward the food surplus to those in need. The project promoter previously chose 18 towns in which – with the help of local governments - they launched a call for cooperation for civic organizations. 188 applications were received from which 87 proposals won and according to the winners seats the project was implemented in 8 towns. The project promoter elaborated a curriculum, and held trainings for the civic organizations. Several forums were also organized for what concerned actors (e.g. representatives of local governments, agricultural and industrial chambers, social institutions, restaurants, small shops and media) were invited – based on the offers of the involved civic organizations. However not every cooperation attempt was successful, the project promoter managed to sign cooperation agreements with big department stores (Tesco, Metro, Auchan). Later on, during the project implementation, several other commercial, food distributor companies indicated their intention for cooperation. The project promoter elaborated the theory of the food donations and the related documents; then launched the process. The project can be said successful as many of the cooperation are alive after the project: for instance in Debrecen, Miskolc and Szolnok towns the local Auchan stores cooperate in rescuing the bakery products. The method was summarized, and disseminated to at least 51 civic organizations that are interested in joining the network. The project ensured knowledge and equipment for this kind of activity thus civic organizations became able to follow and sustain the food rescuing process individually. The project promoter achieved the development of the network, and contributed to an attitude change. According to the work of the network and the project result (114389 kilograms rescued food), the topic became more interesting for stakeholders; and possibly the network will be enlarged with new members.

Summary of bilateral results