MU, the Island of Culture

Project facts

Project promoter:
MU Theatre
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 48,633
The project is carried out in:


The main problem is the lack of advocacy of groups in Hungary, especially in the countryside among elder people. The inhabitants have poor communication skills thus they barely know their opportunities that leads to the underrepresentation of civic rights; also the number of community developer organizations is low. The main objective of the project is to develop the civic communities of Újbuda, Inárcs, Celldömök and Tiszalúc through sample groups that have members above the age of 60 and to assist the establishment of local civic communities. It aims to pursue the cultural values of this age class, and to improve the communicative and connective skills; that is why the members of the target group will recognize their rights and will be able to represent their interests. The project promoter will organize performances, trainings and workshops, hold group meetings and edit a professional publication. The venue of group meetings will be renovated. The target group includes the elder inhabitants of the 4 settlements – it is about 30 persons. According to the demographics data, the 70-80% of the target group is women. 3 civic organizations are cooperating in the project.

Summary of project results

The main problem is the lack of advocacy of groups in Hungary, especially in the countryside among elder people. The inhabitants have poor communication skills thus they barely know their opportunities that leads to the underrepresentation of civic rights; also the number of community developer organizations is low. The main objective of the project were to develop the civic communities of Újbuda, Inárcs, Celldömök and Tiszalúc through sample groups that have members above the age of 60, and to assist the establishment of local civic communities. Elderly people were successfully involved, and 4 groups were formed on the chosen settlements. Altogether 82 workshops were held for the groups. They elaborated a common topic which was the nature and values of culture however in different situations, different imaginary circumstances. The workshops aimed to develop the community (e.g. map common cultural values); and to improve the community members (e.g. their advocacy and communication skills). The workshops prepared the participants for performing thus each group made a forum theater performance. During the preparation the group leaders had the possibility (44 times) to consult with relevant professionals of the project promoter. Several presentations were held in order to present the project and its progress. Finally, the 4 performance were presented in the 4 settlements and on the closing event on Budapest. The closing event was organized with another supported organization who worked with children thus this program was especially important as it ensured the networking between the groups and also ensured the meeting and communication of generations. The closing event reached a broader audience as 371 people participated. The project contributed to the achievements of the aim to establish active communities on these settlements. Thankfully to the workshops, the communication skills of elderly developed, elderly could participate in regular programs that helped with preserving their mental hygiene, and the establishment of groups enhanced the community initiatives – at the same time the willingness for participation of elderly has grown. The generational problems subsided, cooperation between elderly and youth improved. The publication presents the used methods and experiences thus it is openly available.

Summary of bilateral results