The main source of the problems is the lack of communication between the actors of sectors who are not ready for changes thus they cannot utilize the inner social-economic resources. The main objective of the project is to reanimate the inter-sector discussions, to initiate cooperation among people living in extreme poverty, institutions and entrepreneurships. It also aims to reduce prejudices and to raise claim for corporate social responsibility, and also to teach companies CSR practices. The innovative usage of local social-economic resources will be ensured by creating a long-term communication strategy, a CSR workgroup and a methodology handbook. During the project country-wide partnerships will be established and strengthen: civic organizations will be involved and connected to international networks. A website, blog, facebook page, newsletters, workshops, trainings, roadshows, conferences and media campaigns will ensure the publicity of the project. The target group includes communities of civic initiations, excluded groups (mainly Roma), entrepreneurs and institutions in segregated settlements of the Central Transdanubian Region.
Summary of project results
The main source of the problems was the lack of communication between the actors of sectors who were not ready for changes thus they could not utilize the inner social-economic resources. The main objective of the project was to reanimate the inter-sector discussions, to initiate cooperation among people living in extreme poverty, institutions and entrepreneurships. The project promoter also aimed to reduce prejudices and to raise claim for corporate social responsibility, and also to teach companies CSR practices. The project promoter involved 4 settlements where local situation analyses were concluded in which focus groups and individual interviews were elaborated. With the help of interviews the local issues were identified e.g. lack of informational tables in the nature, poverty, lack of town development strategies, lack of entrepreneurs and so on. During the project implementation several mobilization workshops were organized that ensured frames for the process of developing the settlements’ strategy and the belonging action plans. In order to make local people capable of realizing the action plans, different capacity building trainings were held, and 3 local civic organizations became responsible for the local CSR strategies. The gained knowledge was summarized, and then a 4-stage knowledge transfer roadshow was organized. The project had a positive effect as the local social discussion was revived; several partnerships were established between civic organizations, local governments and entrepreneurs which also helped in lowering tense and prejudices, and the local CSR activities developed. The project contributed to the conscious and innovative usage of resources; the concerned participants’ network is strengthening, they joined to the local LEADER communities thus they are active actors of the developing processes in the area.
Summary of bilateral results