After the childbirth, women living in bigger towns face with loneliness and lack of help. Their lives go through different lifestyle changes. There is no special place where these mothers could meet and become a supportive community. Generations of families do not live together thus mothers lack the transfer of experience. Insecurities are getting stronger because mothers want to correspond to the expectations of the media-made images. The main objective of the project is to establish a mother’s center while making the local mothers becoming a supportive community. In order to achieve that a new association will be established and a permanent place for the center will be found. A concept for this center will be realized together with the members. Several programs will be organized regularly such as community building trainings, forums, workshops and study tours. New programs will be launched. New communication channels and platforms will be used. Collaborations with governmental and civic organizations will be made. The target group includes the activists of the mother’s center (20 people), parents and grandparents (150).
Summary of project results
After the childbirth, women -living in bigger towns- face with loneliness and lack of help. Their lives go through different lifestyle changes, and there is no special place where these mothers could meet and become a supportive community. Generations of families do not live together thus mothers lack the transfer of experience, insecurities are getting stronger because mothers want to correspond to the expectations of the media-made images. The main objective of the project was to establish a mother’s center while making the local mothers becoming a supportive community. The project promoter achieved the aims because several community programs were organized in which mothers could participate with their children. Firstly, the management group was formed, and then they divided the tasks and assignments. This group was active throughout the project: members participated in establishing the center and in organizing community programs. The center became a community space where mothers can meet every day; they share their problems and experiences thus the supportive group is working. Participants’ parental competencies are strengthened. The number of active visitors, participants is growing: already 187 families subscribed to the newsletter. Mothers can choose from a wide variety of community programs according to their needs and interest e.g. gymnastics, cooking, arts, knitting and crocheting. They paid attention to special needs thus there were programs for single parents, too. The management was also working on broadening their network thus they joined to the countrywide Mother’s Center and already introduced their work to the international network. They collaborated with other organizations as well thus mothers could participate in study trips and experience exchange programs. The project contributed to the foundation of the “Mother-ship Association” which aim is to improve the quality of life of mothers living in Budapest. It was a great impact that institutions concerned in family issues have a better attitude to families, their communication become more cooperative.
Summary of bilateral results