Our program is designed to socially vulnerable, negatively judged, excluded groups to support them in the acquisition of self-knowledge, in strengthening self-confidence and self-expression in order to consciously and confidently organize their lives and communities. Our target group is school-aged children, such groups of students in Pécs and in the country who have experienced social inequalities and exclusion. We organize workshops, performances with theatre-therapy, theatre educational methods and thus support the expression and shaping of experiences related to exclusion, processing and dissolution of negative emotions and develop authentic, independent, confident and constructive actions in three school groups. We help the participants strengthen the viewer-understanding, participant-expressive, creative-director roles and competencies. As a result of our program new playback school associations are formed and they operate and develop according to the principles of playback.
Summary of project results
The project was needed so that students from excluded groups of society could work through the grievances they have experienced due to their origins, and also learn new paradigms of attitude and behaviour. Our aim was to deal with problems related to exclusion through theatrical pedagogical methods. This has started and is going well. Self-knowledge, self-expression and self-advocating abilities of the target group have improved. Planned Playback theatre performances, trainings and other cultural programs have been realized. The target group was involved by performing in a Playback theatre performance and they could try the method. The main benefit of the program was that through the theatrical games those involved could deeply and personally relate to themselves as well as others. Results can be sustained if the already existing playback groups go on and if more students and teachers get involved in the given schools, mentored by members of the organization.
Summary of bilateral results