Based on statistics the relationship violence is a more and more serious problem needing urgent intervention in Hungary as well. The aim of our project is to increase the condemnation of violence against women and relationship violence among the members of the local community, to ameliorate social skills of 13-18 year old (family life basic training focusing especially on nonviolent communication and anger management), to inform women during workshops and consultations in order to avoid being a victim, to transfer information to teachers about the prevention of relationship violence, by the means of a traveling exhibition, billboards, city lights, teaching boards, prevention short film and different types of flyers. By this project we intend to reduce the incidence of relationship violence and to strengthen the protection against this phenomenon among different target groups.
Summary of project results
Based on statistics the relationship violence is a more and more serious problem needing urgent intervention in Hungary and Pécs as well.The aim of the project was to increase the condemnation of relationship violence among the members of the local community, ameliorate social skills of 13-18 year olds (family life basic training focusing especially on nonviolent communication and anger management), inform women during workshops in order to avoid being a victim and transfer information to teachers about the prevention of relationship violence by the means of trainings and a complex communication campaign (travelling exhibition – pictures and roll-ups, billboards, citylights, teaching boards, prevention short film, different types of flyers, posters, postcards).With this project they contributed to the reduction of the incidence of relationship violence in Pécs, and in the long term, thanks to the travelling exhibition, hopefully in the other parts of Hungary as well.
Summary of bilateral results