Face to face

Project facts

Project promoter:
Stereo Arts Public Benefit Association
Project Number:
Target groups
LGTB - lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 4,732
The project is carried out in:


It is our experience that there is not enough social activity as regards to the fight against the discrimination of LGBT people. Our aim on one hand is to encourage the LGBT society for self-awareness, pride and on the other hand to evoke and strengthen tolerance, solidarity, the feeling of responsibility and the fight for human rights of the heterosexual society. The short film being the first half of the campaign conveys a complete message, but it also directs the attention to the flash-mob. The flash-mob will also be documented, and this will also reach an even wider audience when published. Our positive message will get to several tens of thousands of people, there are many people facing the problem of hiding as they live the life of the sexual minority. We encourage several hundreds of people for active participation, who will become the center of a new forum as a result of the multi-layered media campaign and the online community of supporters. The campaign addresses both the hiding members of the community and also those who have come out already as well as the heterosexual society, those who are tolerant and those who reject or ignore homosexuality.

Summary of project results

It's our experience that Hungary is a country where the acceptance of the LGBT community. As there is interest and demand we plan to organise another flashmob in 2016. The objective of the campaign was to evoke and strengthen tolerance, solidarity, the feeling of responsibility and the fight for human rights of the heterosexual society. Our aim was to encourage the LGBT society for self-awareness, and to evoke and strengthen tolerance, solidarity, the feeling of responsibility in the society. The joint campaign of an online film and the flashmob activated a lot of people. The professional discussion adjoining the campaign proved to be an excellent platform of civil organisations of the LGBTQ community to meet and exchange ideas. The ebenficiaries were involved in the flashmob, in the discussions. Advice were given by various LGBTQ organisations and human rights organsiations in the management of the project.

Summary of bilateral results