Exploration and presentation the hidden treasures of Tótkomlós

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association for the Nature research and Environment Protection around the Száraz-ér
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 2,057
The project is carried out in:

More information


In Hungary everywhere means "problem", which leads to that the smaller settlements can't afford to care about the local natural treasures. In the project affected town the project promoter organize searching for years about the local nature. They collect data about plants, birds and mammals too. In the last few years they found lots of rare, and important species around the town, but unfortunately there is no protection on them. It's very important to achieve the local protection, to preserve them for the future. This project will construct a full information system (with information boards, and nature trail) about these treasures, organize trips, open bird ringing and special lessons for the local school's children. It's important to show the local people how rich natural environment we have, and how important is to be care about it. There is a intrepidity that during the project we can give help for the local council, for the schools, and for the other local people, and get some new young members for the implementer organization too.

Summary of project results

In Hungary everywhere means "problem", which leads to that the smaller settlements can't afford to care about the local natural treasures. In the project affected town the project promoter organized searching for years about the local nature. They collect data about plants, birds and mammals too. In the last few years they found lots of rare, and important species around the town, but unfortunately there was no protection on them. The project aimed and achieved the local protection, to preserve them for the future. In the project was constructed a full information system (with information boards, and nature trail) about these treasures. Trips, open bird ringing and special lessons for the local school's children were organized. Furthermore the local self governmet approved a local decision about the protection of the baulks around the village. It was important to show the local people and council how rich natural environment have, and how important is to be care about it.

Summary of bilateral results