Development of touring centers near Balaton for - and with - people living with disability

Project facts

Project promoter:
Lóczy Lajos Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 14,866
The project is carried out in:


This project will be supporting a better quality of life for people with disabilities, improving their skills and strengthening their integration. We develop touring centers and their methodologies at lake Balaton, where we will work together with disabled people. Our target group is people with disabilities and their organizations. We develop the methodology which is the relevant properties of routes for disabled people, the categories of routes, how to signpost them, and so on. We go along the touristic routes of Balaton Uplands, with school children, with local civil organizations - and mainly with disabled people. The Balaton Uplands National Park will give us methodological support. Moreover, we will create an experience-stone-garden in Balatonszabadi, mainly for blind people. Also, experience and therapeutic tours will be organized. We will publish the methodology and results via internet and other publications. The project will create a colorful system of cooperation and a good model, so it is easy to reproduce methodology and solutions elsewhere in Hungary too.

Summary of project results

In the course of this project we have shaped special possibilities for disabled people: we offer them tours, hiking routes, woodland trips in Balaton region, especially in Balaton Uplands. We have worked with associations of disabled people, their function was very important. We can help to disabled people to find the best routes without failures. We made an inspection of touristic routes near Balaton, and we have find the suitable routes for wheel-chairs. We have contact tour leaders, who can and who want organise tours for disabled groups. We can help also for people, who want to take a trip alone, without us and without leaders. We have some publications for them, and we have signed some routes in the field, with special signs. We want continue this programs after deadline of supported project.

Summary of bilateral results