Systematic reinforcement of environmental democracy in Hungary through the enforcement of the rights of the civil sector and the residents

Project facts

Project promoter:
Environmental Management and Law Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 19,715
The project is carried out in:


The public has little influence on the land use plans in Hungary. Public participation in the adoption procedures is formal and legal remedies are not developed. The civil society does not have appropriate knowledge and capacities for the legal work while local attorneys often refuse to help. The project seeks to make NGOs and local communities capable of participating in land use and permitting procedures as well as lobby for public participation to become an essential part of the local decision-making. For this as a first step the project promoter will collect and analyze identified local environmental conflicts and provide legal consultancy service at least in 14 new cases in which proposals will be submitted to the legislator and decision-makers of the municipalities and state bodies. In order to conciliate between parties legal advocacy days will be organized for the public on relevant spots and at least 7 activitist of different CSOs will be trained. A handbook/guide will be edited and published in the relevant procedures, an interactive webpage will be set up to make all important materials available.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to increase the typically low-level awareness, knowledge and skills of the local citizens and CSOs in relation to the public participation in both public and private investment/development project-related decision making as well as licensing. During the implementation 42 local investment- and spatial development related conflicts were identified, out of which 19 concrete cases were supported by legal assistance. The legal education and transfer of the necessary knowledge was facilitated through 13 “legal aid days”, while the key legal concepts and possibilities were presented in a comprehensible way in a practical handbook. Even if in a limited extent, the project managed to raise awareness on civic rights and their exercise among the involved beneficiaries.

Summary of bilateral results