Enhance self-interest assertion of cancer patients

Project facts

Project promoter:
Hungarian Hospice Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
People with cancer
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 69,731
The project is carried out in:


The project is needed because patient’s information is often not sufficient, or not clear enough, they don’t have proper right to dignity. This prejudices the chances of recurrence.The physicians are overloaded and they are socialized in a hierarchic system. The problem emerges as a legal problem. Our objective is to enhance self-interest assertion of cancer patients’ and to improve the communication capabilities of health-care professionals so that they could handle the communication easier. We expect that the participants will be more satisfied, it opens the door to social dialogue, and appears as an example for partnership, after the project ends. The results of the project is a study; patients and relatives well trained for self-interest assertion, physicians, assistants, nurses and well trained for assertive communication.There will also be a media campaign about the project. The target groups are patients, relative groups, physicians, nurses, social workers, students studying media, or arts and crafts. Cooperating organizations are groups of cancer patients, design department of an Art University, PPCU Media Inst.

Summary of project results

The shared decision-making process between doctors and their patients is not common in Hungary. The patient’s information is often not sufficient, or not clear enough, their dignity often injured. The physicians are overload and they are socialized in a hierarchic system. The project’s objective of the Hungarian Hospice Foundation was to help both doctors and nurses, both patients and their caregivers to build partnership in this relations. The means were: trainings, narrative interviews, and based upon them publications in professional and in mainstream media, staged reading. Thanks to the project two hungarian oncological centre signed a manifestation about the importance of the aim of the project. Professionals were involved through healthcare institutions, patients and their relatives through patients organizations. The main benefit of the program was to give participants of the trainings skills to assertive communication in healthcare. All plannes activites were achieved.

Summary of bilateral results