"No matter?"

Project facts

Project promoter:
Drog Stop Budapest Egyesület Assotiation
Project Number:
Target groups
Drug consumers
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 69,939
The project is carried out in:


Currently the larger society decides how people with disabilities should live, not the other way around. The substance use of people with disabilities is a tabooed subject, without an appropriate service provision. The Drug Stop Association aims to create a service that supports this client group, their families and the professionals working with them. The aim of the project is to establish a new field of expertise in the area of substance misuse and addiction treatment/support in Hungary, by focusing on the needs of people with disabilities and learning difficulties. The main activities include solution-focused support for disabled people living in institutions with substance misuse issues, improving clients’ quality of life by offering appropriate support; running prevention and self-help groups, and monthly events to involve the client group, support and reduce risks; working towards the social integration of the issue by producing short films of our work to raise awareness.

Summary of project results

Our project aimed to support disabled persons’ and their families’ mental and physical well-being, by researching and testing specialised approaches to drug use and addiction. We wanted to highlight the importance of this issue to disabled persons; to professionals working in disability and in substance misuse services; as well as to the wider community. We ran prevention and therapy groups in disability services and researched into the substance use of disabled persons and of their environment. We ran workshops and trainings with the stakeholders, involving disabled persons, their families, volunteers and professionals; hoping that our activities have improved the delivery and accessibility of substance use services. Our White Tomato Club organised events and created social advertising to promote social inclusion in media, in clubs and cinemas.

Summary of bilateral results