Love Park

Project facts

Project promoter:
For Szúcs Village Organization
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 9,721
The project is carried out in:


The direct objective of the project is to spur the inhabitants of Szúcs for a joint action to build the two parts of the settlement together symbolically. The aim of the project is to reduce the distance and tension between the social groups and the roma and non-roma population. One of the main objectives is to strengthen the organization with raising the number of people involving in our work. Another goal is community development, so that a ’village workshop’ is launched monthly. The target groups of the project are the inhabitants of the village ( 401 people) regardless of their gender, age, ethnic and social affiliation.

Summary of project results

Szúcs is one of the most disadvantaged settlements because of its values in economy and society. The large-scale roma community lives segregated, far from the centrum of Szúcs. There is not any organization in the village that would provide direction for the local inhabitants. The main method was organizing community actions. They wanted to integrate the two parts of Szúcs and decrease, dissolve conflicts between Roma and non-Roma people. The impact of the project was the collection of ideas that are meant to develop the village. The participants of the study trips acquired knowledge and experienced the power of community work through the activities. They held organization development trainings, they were on best practice visits, they did community work, community programs, and they organized the Day of Szúcs. A decorative community place was formed. The beneficiaries were involved in several programs that the applicant NGO organized. The organization proved that it is able to organize and keep such events and initiations. Because of their strengthened institutional network, and the voluntary nature of the initiation the project seems to be sustainable.

Summary of bilateral results