The current Hungarian politics doesn’t support any programs enhancing tolerance towards LGBT people however this and stopping violence against minorities are development priorities of the EU. The project objecties are encouragement of LGBT communities, capacity buiding, further development of the organization´s school-training program, exchange experiences with other minority groups and CSOs, advertising volunteer activities. The outcames are: improving abilities to lobby and civil conciseness, more effective volunteer recruitment, improving ability of cooperation among minorities, more visibility of LGBT people, improvement of their self-recognition. Methods: renewing the school-training program, strengthening and broadening communication channels, supporting organizations on the countryside for a national LGBT network. Beneficiaries are organizations and members of LGBT organizations, LGBT people; other minority partner organizations.
Summary of project results
The goal of the project was to strengthen the LGBT community in and outside the capital. Exchanging experiences with other civil organizations. Positively influence public opinion about LGBT people, encouraging people to do more against hate speech and social exclusion. Improvement of the the Awareness Raising about Homosexuality Program (ARHP). Improvement of relations with other organizations increasing the number of volunteers. Creating further project ideas, strengthening influence and increasing networks. The project targeted LGBT groups (10 groups) mostly outside the capital wanting to do against homophobia. An important aspect was their openness towards art and education. Activities included: Improvement of ARHP educational material.Training ARH volunteers. Training LGBT groups, teachers introducing ARHP and preparing its admittance into schools. Information exchange among civil organizations and improving the sensitivity toward other minorities. Meetings generating new common projects. Art workshops thematizing voluntary activities. “Me the volunteer” metro campaign and peripatetic exhibition. The result was the visualization of LGBT issues in public areas, in education, in culture. More colorful civil sector. Improving voluntary activities.
Summary of bilateral results